Date: 27 Jul 2004 19:59:54 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: [NT] FTP Glide Stores Login Information in Cleartext
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FTP Glide Stores Login Information in Cleartext
<> FTP GLIDE is a Full-Featured FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) Client Software. FTP GLIDE can be used to connect to an
FTP server and transfer files from or to the server.
FTP GLIDE has been found to store the login credential information in
plaintext file that is readable to anyone with local access to the
Vulnerable Systems:
* FTP GLIDE client version 2.43
The sensitive FTP login information used by client FTP programs, if stored
locally on disk, must be at least encoded in some form. However, FTP GLIDE
stores the password in clear text that allows any user the ability to view
them. Since it is relatively easy to gain local access to a Windows
machine (possibly via a shared directory access, or a NULL session) or to
execute script code in the client side, login information can be read.
FTP GLIDE stores it's login data in a well-known location specified below:
\Program Files\FTPGlide\[Profile Name].ftp
Note: Replace "Program Files" with the installation directory of FTP GLIDE
in case it differs.
Vendor Status:
The vendor has been informed of the issue on 21-07-2004 and has replied
three days later. However, no update for the software is available yet.
The information has been provided by <mailto:[email protected]> Global
Security Solution IT.
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