Date: 23 Nov 2004 18:17:57 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]Subject: [UNIX] PHPKit SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerabilities
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PHPKit SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerabilities
<> PHPKIT is "a modular developed homepage software
which enables simple management messages contents, guest book, forums and
Due to improper sanity validation checks it is possible for an attacker to
manipulate an SQL query and launch cross site scripting attacks.
Vulnerable Systems:
* PHPKit version 1.6.03 to 1.6.1 inclusive
The cross site scripting attack is viable through the exploitation of the
'img' HTTP parameter in the 'popup.php' script. Example:"><scr!pt>alert(document.cookie)</scr!pt>
Manipulation of the SQL command sent to the database is possible via the
'id' parameter in the 'include.php' script. Example:'
The relevant piece of code is:
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) $id=$_REQUEST['id'];
$gbookinfo=$DB->fetch_array($DB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_tab['gbook']."
WHERE gbook_id='".$id."' LIMIT 1"));
eval ("\$site_body.= \"".getTemplate("guestbook/print")."\";");
The information has been provided by <> Steve.
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