From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 6 Feb 2005 18:25:48 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilties in Chipmunk Forum
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Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilties in Chipmunk Forum
Chipmunk Forum is "a small yet flexible and fully featured forum system".
Due to inadequate filtering by Chipmunk Forum's PHP scripts a remote
attacker can cause the program to insert arbitrary SQL statements into
existing ones, allowing him to gain elevated privileges to the forum,
change information of users, obtain passwords, etc.
Vulnerable script getpassword.php
Vulnerable code:
$getinfo="SELECT * from b_users where email='$email'";
mail("$email","Your Forum password","Your forum password has been set to
Use the following as the email: [email protected]' or username='Administrator
this will change password the password oft the Administrator account (The
"Administrator" must be a valid user name).
Vulnerable script authenticate.php
Vulnerable code:
$query = "select * from b_users where username='$username' and
password='$password' and validated='1'";
At the login.php page enter as the username Administrator'/*
Vulnerable script edit.php
Vulnerable code:
$checking="SELECT * from b_posts,b_users where and b_posts.ID='$ID'";
It is possible to inject SQL statements through the $ID variable.
Vulnerable script search.php
Vulnerable code:
$getthreads="SELECT * from b_posts where post like '%$searchterm%' and
threadparent='0' order by telapsed DESC limit $start, 50";
It is possible to inject SQL statements through $searchterm parameter.
Vulnerable script newtopic.php
Vulnerable code:
$day=date("D M d, Y H:i:s");
$timegone=date("U") ;
$posting="INSERT INTO b_posts (author, title, post,timepost,
telapsed, postforum,lastpost,nosmilies,ipaddress) values ('$name',
'$title', '$post', '$day',
mysql_query($posting) or die("could not post");
It is possible to inject SQL statements through $name, $title, and $post
Vulnerable script reguser.php
Vulnerable code:
$usercheck="SELECT*from b_users where username='$username' or
if ($password==$pass2 && $_POST['password'])
if($requirekey=="no"||$requirekey=="No") //if you do no require an
activation key
$SQL ="INSERT into b_users (username, password, sig, email, location,
AIM, ICQ, showprofile, validated) values ('$username', '$password',
'$signature', '$email', '$location', '$aim', '$icq', '$showprofile',
mysql_query($SQL) or die(mysql_error());
else //you require an activation key
$SQL ="INSERT into b_users (username, password, sig, keynode, email,
location, AIM, ICQ, showprofile) values ('$username', '$password',
'$signature', '$key', '$email', '$location', '$aim', '$icq',
mysql_query($SQL) or die(mysql_error());
mail("$email","Your forum activation key","Paste the URL to activate
your account.
It is possible to inject SQL statements through the registration form's
The information has been provided by <> GHC vision.
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