From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 13 Apr 2005 13:53:15 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Oracle Forms SQL Injection
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Oracle Forms SQL Injection
<> Oracle Forms
10g is "Oracle's award winning Web Rapid Application Development tool,
part of the Oracle Developer Suite 10g".
All Oracle Forms applications are by default vulnerable to SQL Injection.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Oracle Forms versions 3.0 up to 10g (C/S and Web)
Immune Systems:
* Oracle Applications version 11.5.9 or newer
There is an (ancient often forgotten) Oracle Forms feature called
"Query/Where" that allows users to modify existing SQL statements. This
feature is quite a useful feature for power users but also dangerous due
to the fact that every forms user can use it to execute arbitrary SQL
Short demonstration of Oracle Forms SQL Injection:
1. Start a Forms module and switch to the query mode
2. Enter a colon ( : ) or ampersand ( & )
3. An empty Query/Where windows pops up
4. Enter an SQL statement
The following statement sends the result of the SQL statement: select
username from all_users where rownum=1 to a foreign (or internal) web
The web server of the attacker now contains the result of the custom
query: - - [14/Feb/2005:10:42:20 +0100] "GET /SYS HTTP/1.1" 404 209
The impact of the SQL injection depends on the architecture of your Forms
If the Oracle user used by the Forms application has DBA privileges (like
Oracle Applications), EVERY user can select any data in the database.
Never set the value FORMSxx_RESTRICT_ENTER_QUERY to FALSE in an existing
Oracle Applications environment because every user can execute ANY
statement and see ANY data.
If your Forms application implements an own user concept (e.g. own user
table including passwords) it is possible that, other users could see the
data (e.g. their accounts/passwords/ ).
In all other cases the Forms user can still execute PLSQL packages granted
to public like utl_http.ata.
Set the undocumented environment variable
6.x, FORMS90_RESTRICT_ENTER_QUERY for Forms 9.x/10g) and restart the Forms
server. This environment variable disables the possibility of using the
query/where functionality.
or only if really need Query/Where:
Write a PRE_QUERY/ON-ERROR-trigger for EVERY input field and validate the
entire input for EVERY Oracle Forms module (*.fmb)
Disclosure Timeline:
* 7-oct-2003 Oracle secalert informed
* 7-oct-2003 Bug confirmed
The information has been provided by <>
Alexander Kornbrust.
The original article can be found at:
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