From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 21 Apr 2005 15:50:06 +0200
Subject: [NT] OneWorldStore Cross Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
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OneWorldStore Cross Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
<> OneWorldStore is a powerful design ASP
shopping cart - "OneWorldStore has all the products you need to start and
maintain a successful Online Business or Web Site(s)."
Flaws in OneWorldStore makes it vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks
and SQL injections.
Vulnerable Systems:
* OneWorldStore.
This flaw exists because the application does not validate 'sIDSearch'
upon submission to the '/owSearch/DisplayResults.asp' script. This could
allow a user to create a specially crafted URL that would execute
arbitrary code in a user's browser within the trust relationship between
the browser and the server, leading to a loss of integrity.
Proof of Concept:
SQL Injection:
Cross-site scripting:
http://[victim]/owSearch/DisplayResults.asp?sIDSearch=1"> <h1>lalala</h1>
Vendor Status:
Vendor provided security update:
Disclosure Timeline:
15.04.05 - Discovered
18.04.05 - Vendor notification(web form)
18.04.05 - Vendor response
18.04.05 - Vendor publishes patch/fix
18.04.05 - Public disclosure
The information has been provided by <> Lostmon.
The original article can be found at:
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