From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 8 May 2005 17:40:45 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Issue
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Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Issue
Fine grained audit (FGA) does not work if the user SYS runs a SELECT
statements. There are 2 issues. The SELECT statement issued by SYS is not
audited. Once SYS selects the table all subsequent SELECTs by other users
are NOT audited.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Oracle Database 9i
* Oracle Database 10g
Do not run SQL for FGA objects as user SYS. Flush the shared pool to
activate auditing again.
Test case:
1. Create user and objects and add policy.
connect /as sysdba
grant dba to fga identified by fga;
conn fga/fga
create table emp as select * from scott.emp;
execute dbms_fga.add_policy(object_schema=>'FGA',
2. Run SQL from fga user
conn fga/fga
select count(*) from fga.emp;
select sql_text,to_char(timestamp,'HH24:MI:SS') time
from sys.dba_fga_audit_trail;
--> It will return 1 row.
3. Run SQL from SYS user
conn /as sysdba
select count(*) from fga.emp;
select sql_text,to_char(timestamp,'HH24:MI:SS') time
from sys.dba_fga_audit_trail;
--> It will return 1 row which was obtained by step 2.
A new row was not inserted.
4. Run SQL from fga user again
conn fga/fga
select count(*) from fga.emp;
select sql_text,to_char(timestamp,'HH24:MI:SS') time
from sys.dba_fga_audit_trail;
--> It will return 1 row which was obtained by step 2.
A new row was not inserted again.
Patch Information:
Apply patchset for Oracle 10g. This bug is not fixed in
with the latest patches from Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2005
The information has been provided by
<> Alexander Kornbrust.
The original article can be found at:
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