From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 19 Sep 2005 10:22:13 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Oracle Reports Lexical References SQL Injection
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Oracle Reports Lexical References SQL Injection
<> Oracle Reports is
"Oracle's award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise reporting tool. It
enables businesses to give immediate access to information to all levels
within and outside of the organization in an unrivaled scalable and secure
Self developed Oracle Reports are vulnerable against SQL Injection if
these reports are using lexical references without input validation. Most
Oracle reports developers are not aware of this problem and are not
validating the input (e.g. from parameters) in Oracle Reports. As every
input validation bug it is not a problem of the development tool itself
(in this case Oracle Reports Developer) it is a problem of the developers
using Oracle Reports developer. The Oracle documentation holds back
information about this potential problem.
Vulnerable Systems:
* All generated Oracle reports using lexical reference since Oracle
Reports version 2.0
Oracle Reports are created with the Oracle Reports developer and are quite
common in the enterprise environment. Oracle itself is using Oracle
Reports e.g. in their E-Business-Suite. Oracle Reports provides a feature
called lexical references. A lexical reference is a placeholder for text
that you embed in a SELECT statement. It is possible to replace the
clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING,
Short demonstration of SQL Injection in Oracle Reports:
The following vulnerable sample report for the demo user scott/tiger can
be downloaded from :
To run this report an Oracle Reportsserver is required.
1. Run an Oracle Reports via a web browser
http://myserver:8889/reports/rwservlet?report=sqlinject3.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@ora9206 +destype=CACHE+desformat=HTML
2. Add the parameter paramform=yes to the URL and resubmit the URL again.
A HTML window appears which allows a user to modify parameter values from
a web page, e.g. change the sort sequence (e.g. ORDER BY ENAME)
3. Replace the default value ORDER BY 1 of the parameter P_WHERE with the
If the resulting SQL statement is not correct Oracle reports returns the
appropriate error message (e.g. REP-300)
4. Submit the modified query. Oracle Reports server replaces the parameter
P_WHERE with the value submitted by the URL and executes the statement.
It is not possible to disable the lexical references functionality by
setting a special environment variable. It is necessary to fix this
problem in every report by validating every parameter in an
This can be time consuming task if you check several hundreds of reports.
The information has been provided by
<> Kornbrust, Alexander.
The original article can be found at:
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