From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 27 Sep 2005 15:43:04 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] myBloggie SQL Injection/Privilege Escalation
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myBloggie SQL Injection/Privilege Escalation
<> myBloggie is "a Weblog system built
using PHP and mySQL".
myBloggie vulnerable to SQL injection vulnerability caused by improper
validation of user-supplied inputs. This vulnerability can be exploited to
bypass authentication mechanism, escalate the privileges to administrator
level and also made to reveal system specific information.
Vulnerable Systems:
* myBloggie versions 2.1.3-beta and prior
User supplied credential inputs ('$username' and '$passwd') are not
sanitized in login.php before subjecting them to SQL query.
Vulnerable code:
if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
} else $username="";
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT user FROM ".USER_TBL." WHERE
AND password='$passwd'" ) or error( mysql_error() );
This can be exploited in multiple ways,
1. Authentication Bypass: A malicious user can log on to the weblog system
without submitting the password by placing queries such as this "admin' OR
'x'='x" in the User Name field.
2. Privilege Escalation: When a non-administrative user submits, for
example "user1' OR 'x'='x", into the User Name field, administrative
privileges will be granted.
3. Path Disclosure: Path information can be made to disclose in error
pages by passing invalid query to User Name field of login.php.
Proof of Concept:
POST' OR 'x'='x
POST'1=1 --
Patch Availability:
Patch: <>
Disclosure Timeline:
* 01.09.05 - Issue Discovered
* 02.09.05 - Reported to the vendor
* 03.09.05 - Patch Released
* 05.09.05 - Advisory Released
The information has been provided by <>
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