From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 11 Jan 2006 09:52:52 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] ADOdb SQL Injection and PHP Code Execution Vulnerabilities
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ADOdb SQL Injection and PHP Code Execution Vulnerabilities
" <> ADOdb is a database abstraction library
for PHP."
Two vulnerabilities in ADOdb can be exploited by malicious attackers to
disclose system information, execute arbitrary PHP code, execute arbitrary
SQL code, and potentially compromise a vulnerable system.
Vulnerable Systems:
* ADOdb version 4.66
* ADOdb version 4.68
Immune Systems:
* ADOdb version 4.70
SQL Injection:
The problem is caused due to the presence of the insecure "server.php"
test script. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary SQL code with full
MySQL database privileges via the "sql" parameter.
Proof of Concept:
http://[victim]/server.php?sql=SELECT '[content]' INTO OUTFILE '[file]'
This can further be exploited to create an arbitrary PHP script in a
directory inside the web root writable by the MySQL user. Successful
exploitation requires that the MySQL password for the root user is empty
and that the affected script is placed accessible inside the web root.
Code Execution:
The problem is caused due to the presence of the insecure
"tests/tmssql.php" test script. This can be exploited to call an arbitrary
PHP function via the "do" parameter.
Proof of Concept:
Successful exploitation requires that the affected script is placed
accessible inside the web root.
Disclosure Timeline:
30/12/2005 - Initial vendor notification.
03/01/2006 - Other affected vendors notified.
05/01/2006 - Initial vendor reply.
08/01/2006 - New version of ADOdb released.
09/01/2006 - Public disclosure.
The information has been provided by <> Secunia
The original article can be found at:
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