From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 8 Oct 2006 16:03:09 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] Invision Power Board Multiple Vulnerabilities (Toolbox SQL)
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Invision Power Board Multiple Vulnerabilities (Toolbox SQL)
An attack exists where an admin can be redirected and forced to execute
SQL commands through IPB's SQL Toolbox.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Invision Power Board 2.0.x
* Invision Power Board 2.1.0 - 2.1.7
* Invision Power Board 2.2 Beta 1
Immune Systems:
* Invision Power Board 2.1.7 (ID: 21013.61005.s)
* Invision Power Board 2.2 Beta 2
The following requirements must be met for this attack to take place:
- The database table prefix must be known
- The admin must have access to the SQL Toolbox (any "root admin")
- The admin must have images and referers turned on in their browser, and
their browser must follow Location headers (default behavior for most
- The admin must view a malicious script as an image in their browser
This attack works invisibly to the admin because only the image is
redirected, not the page.
1st method:
In this method, any user can force the admin to execute SQL commands.
1. A user sets their avatar to the malicious script's address
2. The admin looks up the user's account in the Admin CP
3. The user's avatar is shown and the admin is redirected....
2nd method:
A restricted admin can add any HTML to a forum's description(including
1. A restricted admin adds the malicious script as an image to a forum's
2. Upon going to the "Manage Forums" link in Admin CP, an unrestricted
admin will be redirected and the SQL will be executed.
Example malicious image script:
//The member id to promote to root admin
$mid = 145;
//The database prefix (usually "ibf_")
$prefix = "ibf_";
if (preg_match('/(.*adsess=[\\w]{32})/',
$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $admin_loc) and $mid)
".$admin_loc[1]."&act=sql&code=runsql&query=" .
"UPDATE+{$prefix}members+SET+mgroup%3D4+". "where+id%3D{$mid}+LIMIT+1");
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