From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 24 Oct 2006 12:28:32 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] SQL Injection Vulnerability in Oracle WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES
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The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:
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SQL Injection Vulnerability in Oracle WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES
The list of values (LOV) in wwv_flow_utilities.gen_popup_list contains a
SQL injection vulnerability. Depending of the APEX application it is
possible to inject custom SQL statements. The entire SQL statement is
accessible from the URL in the parameter P_LOV. To protect the SELECT
statement in the URL Oracle is using a MD5 checksum. By modifying the SQL
statement and recalculating the MD5 checksum P_LOV_CHECKSUM it is possible
to run custom SQL statements from the URL.
Affected Products:
This bug is fixed with 2.2 of APEX which is not part of the Critical Patch
Update October 2006. It's necessary to upgrade your APEX/HTMLDB
installation to 2.2 or better 2.2.1.. Keep in mind that APEX 2.2 is NOT
running on Oracle Application Express. Patches are currently not available
for Oracle Application Express.
Sample URL:
p_eval_value=&p_return_key=YES&p_translation=N&p_lov=select%20cust_last_name ||%20'%2C%20'%20||%20cust_first_name%20d%2C%20customer_id%20r%20from demo_customers%20order%20by%20cust_last_name&
Patch Information:
This bug is fixed with Apex 2.2 or higher.
03-oct-2005 Oracle secalert was informed
04-oct-2005 Bug confirmed
17-oct-2006 Oracle published CPU October 2006 and recommends to update to
18-oct-2006 Red-Database-Security published this advisory
23-oct-2006 minor changes (Sample URL added)
CVE Information:
The information has been provided by
<> Alexander Kornbrust.
The original article can be found at:
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