From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 5 Mar 2007 17:41:44 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] Konqueror DoS via JavaScript Read of FTP iframe
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Konqueror DoS via JavaScript Read of FTP iframe
Konqueror crashes if JavaScript code tries to read the source of a child
iframe which is set to an ftp:// URL. It is possible for malicious
websites to crash Konqueror and possibly other applications with rely on
Vulnerable Systems:
* Gentoo and Debian running KDE 3.5.5.
The KDE JavaScript implementation, KJS has been found to crash when it
tries to read the contents of an FTP iframe. This can be demonstrated by
creating a web page with an iframe with a src of
"ftp://localhost/anything", then reading the contents of this iframe with
JavaScript similar to the following. (A working FTP server is not
var contents =
Disclosure Timeline:
* 2007-02-03 - Vulnerability reported to [email protected]
* 2007-02-28 - KDE team recreate bug and produce preliminary patch for
* 2007-03-01 - KDE team produced updated patch for ecma/kjs_html.cpp
* 2007-03-04 - Public advisory released
Patch Information:
The latest patch received from the KDE team is available from:
Proof of concept:
<title>BindShell.Net: Konqueror DoS Via JavaScript Read Of FTP
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<div id="toc"><strong>Contents</strong>
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc1">Summary</a></div>
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc2">Impact</a></div>
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc3">Details</a></div>
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc4">Exploit</a></div>
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc5">Vulnerable
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc6">Disclosure
<div style="margin-left: 0em;"><a href="#toc7">Patch
<h1 id="toc0">Konqueror DoS Via JavaScript Read Of FTP Iframe</h1>
<p><img src="/advisories/konq355/konqueror.jpg"
class="inline-left">Author: <a
href="">[email protected]</a><br />
Published: 4th March 2007</p>
<h2 id="toc1">Summary</h2>
<p>Konqueror crashes if JavaScript code tries to read the source of a
child iframe which is set to an FTP URL.</p>
<h2 id="toc2">Impact</h2>
<p>It is possible for malicious websites to crash Konqueror and possibly
other applications with rely on KJS.</p>
<h2 id="toc3">Details</h2>
<p>The KDE JavaScript implementation, KJS has been found to crash when it
tries to read the contents of an FTP iframe. This can be demonstrated by
creating a web page with an iframe with a src of "<a
href="ftp://localhost/anything" onclick=", '_self');
return false;">ftp://localhost/anything</a>", then reading the contents of
this iframe with JavaScript similar to the following. (A working FTP
server is not required).<br />
<h2 id="toc4">Exploit</h2>
<p>Proof of concept code is available at:<br />
<a href=""
onclick=", '_self'); return
<h2 id="toc5">Vulnerable Versions</h2>
<p>This vulnerability has been tested on Gentoo and Debian running KDE
<h2 id="toc6">Disclosure Timeline</h2>
<p>2007-02-03 Vulnerability reported to [email protected]<br />
2007-02-28 KDE team recreate bug and produce preliminary patch for
nodes.cpp<br />
2007-03-01 KDE team produced updated patch for ecma/kjs_html.cpp<br />
2007-03-04 Public advisory released</p>
<h2 id="toc7">Patch Information</h2>
<p>The latest patch received from the KDE team is available from:<br />
<a href=""
onclick=", '_self'); return
<p><div class="lastupdate">Last updated by Mark on 05-Mar-07 at
<a href="/login" accesskey="L" class="hidden"></a>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
trackback:ping="" />
The information has been provided by <> Mark.
The original article can be found at:
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