From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 26 Mar 2007 22:18:21 +0200
Subject: [UNIX] Apache Local User to Root Escalation
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Apache Local User to Root Escalation
A vulnerability in way debian's version of Apache handles cttys allows
local users to gain elevated privileges if the root has manually restarted
the Apache service.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Apache version 1.3.34-4 (Debian only)
Unlike every other daemon, apache does not abdicate its controlling tty on
startup, and allows it to be inherited by a cgi script (for example, a
local user's CGI executed using suexec). When apache is manually
restarted, the inherited ctty is the stdin of the (presumably root) shell
that invoked the new instance of apache. Any process is permitted to
invoke the TIOCSTI ioctl on the fd corresponding to its ctty, which allows
it to inject characters that appear to come from the terminal master.
Thus, a user created CGI script can inject and have executed any input
into the shell that spawned apache.
The information has been provided by <> Richard
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