Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:13:47 -0800
From: Oracle Security Alerts <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: Solution for Potential Vunerability in Granting FilePermission to Oracle Java Virtual Machine
Solution for Potential Vulnerability in Granting FilePermission to
Oracle Java Virtual Machine
Versions Affected
Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7)
Oracle Application Server 9iAS Release
Platforms Affected
Description of the Problem
A potential vulnerability in Oracle JVM has been discovered. The Oracle
Servlet Engine in the Oracle JVM security policy recommends granting
file permissions in a very controlled manner. When this policy is
disregarded and FilePermission is granted to <<ALL FILES>> within a web
domain, there exists a potential vulnerability of viewing directories
and static files outside the web root with the help of .jsp and .sqljsp
call dbms_java.grant_permission('SCOTT', '',
'<<ALL FILES>>','read');
Thus, it may also be possible to execute .jsp files outside the web
Likelihood of Occurrence
In a Netscape browser, a URL containing "the current hierarchy level"
(".") and/or "the level above this hierarchy level" ("..")
To avoid this vulnerability, grant permission to the explicit document
root file path only.
call dbms_java.grant_permission('SCOTT', '',
'(actually directory path)','read');