Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 02:36:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: ByteRage <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: cesarFTP v0.98b 'HELP' buffer overflow
CesarFTP v0.98b is vulnerable to a buffer overflow
when sending the HELP command followed by a very long
string of characters.
Example : Sending the following perl string :
"HELP " . ("A" x 1978) . "CCCC\x00\x0D\x0A"
Happily reroutes the SERVER.EXE EIP to 43434343
("CCCC"). This way, anyone can easily compromise the
win9x/NT/2k system, without the need to be logged in.
The only tricky part in writing the exploit is that
SERVER.EXE doesn't have LoadLibraryA & GetProcAddress
in it's import table, but there are enough other
functions that give away enough power to take over the
computer (registry functions, CreateDirectoryA,
CreateFileA, ReadFile, WriteFile, ShellExecuteA, ...)
I have not written an exploit and probably I never
will :)
I have sent this advisory to <[email protected]>
[ByteRage] <[email protected]>
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