Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 10:48:46 +0200
From: Wizdumb <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: CesarFTPd, Cerberus FTPd
Hi all,
Long arguments for USER, PASS, PORT, DELE, REST, RMD, and MKD (perhaps
others as well) sent to CesarFTPd ( will cause a stack
overflow. I e-mailed the vendor almost 2 weeks ago and have recieved no
response. :-/ Cerberus FTPd (mentioned in some-one's BugTraq post earlier -
I forget who), has a couple of other overflows which weren't mentioned (PASS
<long>, PASV\n x (lots), etc) and this vendor is also irresponsive.
It seems that developers who make free software for the Win32 platform tend
to believe that because their product is free, they don't have to maintain
it at all, nor release source so that other people can. :-/
Anyway, these two daemons should be considered insecure - don't run them.
Andrew Lewis
wizdumb at leet dot org