_ RU.NETHACK (2:5077/15.22) _______________________________________ RU.NETHACK _
From : KiriLL Veydash 2:5020/418.38 Sat 15 Nov 97 11:15
Subj : Shell
Hey, Genya!
GK> Люди, а не подскажете ли вы мне, где можно бы было получить Shell
GK> Account?
GK> a) бесплатный, но со многими возможностями
FREE shell accounts providers list:
Cyber Disaster http://cybdis.dyndns.com
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Fee: -FREE-
Possibility to order online: e-mail application form
Initial HD space: 2MB
Additional HD space: more, if you give me a good reason why
Internet Connection: 64000 baud ISDN
Software/service: ircII, tcl, gcc, ncftp, web page, email account, etc. eggdrop
isnt allowed for tmp
OS: S.u.S.E. Linux 4.4.1
Comments: No commercial. SOMETIMES this host is down... sometimes up...
Grex http://www.cyberspace.org
Email: [email protected]
Fee: Voluntary donation
Initial HD space: minimal
Internet Connection: a tiny 33.6 kbps modem link.
Software/service available: PicoSpan and Backtalk, lynx
OS: Sun OS 4.1.3
Comments: Grex is a public-access conferencing system, run by its users. It's a
tiny advertising-free space
on the net where you can find good conversations and a friendly user community.
NYX.net http://www.nyx.net
Email(s): [email protected]
Fee: FREE-
Initial HD space: 300Kb
Additional HD space: N/A
Internet Connection: T1
Software/service : web page, email account, tcl
Comments: <need comments from nyx users>
Email: [email protected]
Initial HD space: 10-20 MB
Additional HD space: donation
Internet Connection: ISDN, 2 hops
Software/service available: everything you need, bots are welcome to those who
OS: AT&T 3b2 UNIX System Vr3.2.3
Comments: <need comments from real users of sdf.. mail me please :
[email protected]>
UNIXnet.org http://www.unixnet.org
Email: [email protected]
Fee: FREE .. donations requested.
Initial HD space: 5Mb (unregulated!)
Additional HD space: on request, case by case basis
Internet Connection: T1, 4 hops to backbone
Software/service: ircii, tcl, gcc, ncftp, webpage, email
OS: Linux Redhat 4.2
Comments: NO bots of any kind unless a donation is made, NO screen. This host is
former transient.
GK> b) по кpедитке, главное , чтобы они домой не звонили , и не
GK> пpосили подтвеpдить
try #shells at EFnet (u can even try to trade for fake cc# :)
Quick CC# verification :
also check out this page for shell providers list:
Shells _only_ with real cc#: www.darkcore.com BSDI (can buy for 1 year)
www.isolnet.com Linux
wbr, CyberLirik // TNT UIN:1957424 mailto:[email protected]--- ЫgetЫaЫrealЫlifeЫ * Origin: hpa site at (2:5020/418.38)