Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 18:24:26 -0000
From: Andrew Malcolm <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: Recent postings about SCO UnixWare 7
The SCO engineering groups are aware of the recent postings to BUGTRAQ
regarding security holes in UnixWare 7.
Fixes to the following list of problems are being developed at the moment,
and patches will be published in the next 7 working days (on or before
December 24th). The problems being addressed are
- UnixWare read/modify users' mail
- UnixWare gain root with non su/gid binaries
- UnixWare coredumps follow symlinks
- UnixWare pkg* command exploits
- Fundamental flaw in UnixWare 7 security.
Andrew Malcolm, SCO Security Group.