Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 05:45:17 +0100 (BST)
From: Jon Masters <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: Solaris 8 Screensaver Issue
I have had several follow up messages with regard to the issue I reported.
I can reproduce this problem consistently by randomly - and quickly -
depressing "Shift" and "Return" keys randomly until the screensaver dies,
typically it takes a couple of seconds to do the job. I don't know whether
this is a simple buffer overrun or whatever as I don't have *any* free
time at the moment in which to investigate further. I have heard from
other people who have been able to reproduce this on their own machines.
What I want to know is - is it only /usr/bin/dtscreen that I should be
looking at, or are there auxillary authentication programs which it calls
directly or somesuch (by this, I don't want someone to explain to me the
merits of PAM, unless there is a recent related issue I should know
about). The /usr/dt/bin/dtscreen binary is thus:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 56168 Dec 2 1999 /usr/dt/bin/dtscreen
It is likely that this is due to a missing patch on the machine in
question, if so then I would be pleased to be informed of the number.
Thanks people,
P.S. There is a chance that a suitable reply has already been mailed to
the list regarding this - if this is so then I apologise, I have not had
chance to read every Bugtraq post over the last few days due to work.