Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 16:41:35 +0400
From: "Edward J. Aivazian" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: Arp records in solaris
I'd like to start the question with some quotings from authorized sources.
The man page of arp command under solaris says the following:
> -s Create an ARP entry for the host called hostname
> with the Ethernet address ether_address. The Eth-
> ernet address is given as six hexadecimal bytes
> separated by colons. The entry will be permanent
> unless the word temp is given in the command.
When I make a record with -s option, in a very short period of time (sometimes less than half-an-hour) this record is deleted.
One more article is available here, but it's in russian -
Can anyone give a reasonable explanation to this?