Date: 10 Aug 2004 19:14:46 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: [NT] NGSEC StackDefender 2.0 Invalid Pointer Dereference Vulnerability
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NGSEC StackDefender 2.0 Invalid Pointer Dereference Vulnerability
StackDefender is "an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), for Win32
platforms, that will deny shellcode from executing in User Stack and
Writeable memory regions. StackDefender uses PAX technology for this
purpose". A vulnerability exists because StackDefender fails to verify
'BaseAddress' as a valid address prior dereferencing it as a pointer.
Vulnerable Systems:
* StackDefender version 2.0
Immune Systems:
* StackDefender version 2.10
StackDefender offers protection by hooking ZwAllocateVirtualMemory and
ZwProtectVirtualMemory functions. These two kernel API's are responsible
for allocating and protecting memory. The ZwProtectVirtualMemory function
declaration is as follows:
ZwProtectVirtualMemory(HANDLE ProcessHandle, PVOID *BaseAddress,
PULONG ProtectSize, ULONG NewProtect, PULONG OldProtect);
The problem specifically exists because StackDefender fails to verify
'BaseAddress' as a valid address prior dereferencing it as a pointer.
Successful exploitation allows remote attackers to cause the underlying
system to crash. This is possible by specifying an invalid address for
'BaseAddress'. Exploitation requires that an attacker has an exploitation
vector to the system that StackDefender attempts to block.
Vendor Fix:
The vendor has released the following patch fixing this issue:
CVE Information:
Disclosure Timeline:
07/10/2004 Vulnerability discovered by iDEFENSE
07/12/2004 Initial vendor notification
07/22/2004 Initial vendor response
08/03/2004 Public disclosure
The information has been provided by
<mailto:[email protected]> iDEFENSE.
The original article can be found at:
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