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"помогите собрать программу!!"
Отправлено andlis, 03-Апр-08 13:15 
Можно :) Чего-то мышь глючила, а без мыши я тормозил как...
Система ASPLinux 11

gcc -c nem_arg.c -O -Wall
nem_arg.c: In function 'NemArgs':
nem_arg.c:186: error: invalid storage class for function 'ReadStrFile'
nem_arg.c:188: error: invalid storage class for function 'GetOptionSwitch'
nem_arg.c:189: error: invalid storage class for function 'GetEnum'
nem_arg.c:190: error: invalid storage class for function 'PrintHelp'
nem_arg.c:200: warning: implicit declaration of function 'GetOptionSwitch'
nem_arg.c:213: warning: implicit declaration of function 'PrintHelp'
nem_arg.c:235: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ReadStrFile'
nem_arg.c:320: warning: implicit declaration of function 'GetEnum'
nem_arg.c: At top level:
nem_arg.c:931: error: static declaration of 'ReadStrFile' follows non-static declaration
nem_arg.c:235: error: previous implicit declaration of 'ReadStrFile' was here
nem_arg.c: In function 'ReadStrFile':
nem_arg.c:938: error: invalid storage class for function 'my_strupr'
nem_arg.c:964: warning: implicit declaration of function 'my_strupr'
nem_arg.c: At top level:
nem_arg.c:1013: error: conflicting types for 'GetOptionSwitch'
nem_arg.c:200: error: previous implicit declaration of 'GetOptionSwitch' was here
nem_arg.c:1035: error: static declaration of 'GetEnum' follows non-static declaration
nem_arg.c:320: error: previous implicit declaration of 'GetEnum' was here
nem_arg.c:1327: error: conflicting types for 'PrintHelp'
nem_arg.c:213: error: previous implicit declaration of 'PrintHelp' was here
nem_arg.c:1370: warning: conflicting types for 'my_strupr'
nem_arg.c:1370: error: static declaration of 'my_strupr' follows non-static declaration
nem_arg.c:964: error: previous implicit declaration of 'my_strupr' was here
make: *** [nem_arg.o] Ошибка 1


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