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"Локальная почта"
Отправлено de_mone, 16-Сен-09 12:50 
>А не могли бы Вы прокомментировать? Я не совсем понял, что Вы
>этим хотели сказать. Заранее благодарен.
>p.s. Postfix версии 2.6.2_1,1

Судя по всему эти два абзаца:

append_at_myorigin (default: yes)
With locally submitted mail, append the string "@$myorigin" to mail addresses without domain information. With remotely submitted mail, append the string "@$remote_header_rewrite_domain" instead.

Note 1: this feature is enabled by default and must not be turned off. Postfix does not support domain-less addresses.

Note 2: with Postfix version 2.2, message header address rewriting happens only when one of the following conditions is true:

The message is received with the Postfix sendmail(1) command,
The message is received from a network client that matches $local_header_rewrite_clients,
The message is received from the network, and the remote_header_rewrite_domain parameter specifies a non-empty value.
To get the behavior before Postfix version 2.2, specify "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".

append_dot_mydomain (default: yes)
With locally submitted mail, append the string ".$mydomain" to addresses that have no ".domain" information. With remotely submitted mail, append the string ".$remote_header_rewrite_domain" instead.

Note 1: this feature is enabled by default. If disabled, users will not be able to send mail to "user@partialdomainname" but will have to specify full domain names instead.

Note 2: with Postfix version 2.2, message header address rewriting happens only when one of the following conditions is true:

The message is received with the Postfix sendmail(1) command,
The message is received from a network client that matches $local_header_rewrite_clients,
The message is received from the network, and the remote_header_rewrite_domain parameter specifies a non-empty value.
To get the behavior before Postfix version 2.2, specify "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".


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При общении не допускается: неуважительное отношение к собеседнику, хамство, унизительное обращение, ненормативная лексика, переход на личности, агрессивное поведение, обесценивание собеседника, провоцирование флейма голословными и заведомо ложными заявлениями. Не отвечайте на сообщения, явно нарушающие правила - удаляются не только сами нарушения, но и все ответы на них. Лог модерирования.

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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