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"В Wayland добавлена возможность отключения вертикальной синх..."
Отправлено Аноним, 22-Ноя-22 06:44 
Да. Есть.

В Wayland вообще довольно упоротая политика синхронизации в этом планет. Можешь вот тут почитать:

В частности:

Wayland's render loop design is ridiculous.

This is one of those parts where the limited design of Wayland really hits you in the face. You must design your render loop in a certain way. If you don't, prepare to face the pain. How this works on Wayland is that you get a callback from the compositor (the infamous frame callback), which essentially acts as a hint telling you when to draw. That's cool. The idea is that the compositor tells you when to draw, you obey like a good client, and everything works. Unfortunately, life is not actually that simple. Most compositors throttle rendering by not sending frame callbacks when the client is hidden. Internally in Mesa, a swap interval of 1 on EGL and FIFO mode on Vulkan (AKA basically vsync) work by waiting for frame callbacks. Do you see where this is going? If your client tries to draw while it is hidden, woops it gets indefinitely stalled until you bring it back into view. Well surely the client can just check if it is visible before drawing, right? Actually no, you can't. That's right, clients have no way of knowing if they are hidden or not. It's common to come up with some heuristic to deal with this.

This is the part where Wayland developers will say something like "just draw with the frame callback". If you build a client from ground up specifically with Wayland in mind, sure this is easy. But many applications are cross platform and internally driven. Refactoring a render loop to operate completely differently, just for the sake of one platform that acts like a special snowflake is not appealing to anybody. At this point, many applications just give up and set the swap interval to 0 or Vulkan to mailbox and call it a day. In mpv, I came up with a weird hack that essentially implements a blocking call with a timeout since we need vsync obviously but blocking forever isn't acceptable. There's a heuristic that guesses when mpv is hidden (been wrong before) and it doesn't draw in that case, so we have the same idealized efficiency, just not exactly in the "Wayland-approved" way.

In the past, there was actually an externally driven render loop specifically for mpv which worked like how upstream Wayland developers say it should work. It was extremely buggy, lacked features, and totally brittle. Reverting it was definitely one of the better commits I made. And in retrospect, this actually makes perfect sense. mpv has a crapload of timing code specifically designed to deliver the frame at exactly the right time. It's been battle tested and used over many years. Why would the compositor know when to draw better than mpv? Of course, it wouldn't. And indeed, when I squeezed Wayland's weird rendering design into mpv's internal workflow, frame timings dramatically improved (even before presentation was implemented) and tons of bugs were fixed in the process. The dislike of internally driven renderloops is purely driven by ideology, not any actual technical sound reasoning. There's nothing wrong with an application managing how it should render internally. It's a natural choice for any program that operates in a cross-platform manner. Wayland is the only platform like this, and it makes operating in this way needlessly difficult for no particular reason. We can't "waste" frames but never mind that you can just set the swap interval to 0 and belt it away anyway.


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