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"Во FreeBSD устранено 6 уязвимостей"
Отправлено qwerty123, 28-Июл-19 01:22 
2BSD distribution tape, /, 1979:
      Second Distribution of Berkeley PDP‐11 Software for UNIX†
                         (revised March 1980)

                      Installation Instructions

Version 6

     If you have a standard version 6 UNIX system then  you  can  just
use  the binaries on the tape and avoid the bother of recompiling.
Other Version 6

     If  you  have  a version 6 UNIX system which has 16 bit user id’s
(such as the old systems at Berkeley) then you will have to modify the
upgrade/libretro  version  7  simulator library and recompile the pro‐
grams here.

PWB and Unix/TS

     If you have a PWB/UNIX version 1 system,  the  binaries  supplied
here  should  work  (as far as I know).  If they don’t the make and cc
from PWB should be adequate to recompile to repair any problems.

† UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.

Первые BSD релизы вообще ставились поверх Bell Lab UNIX v6/v7.

В общем, первые годы лабы просто обменивались кодами, и всем было немножко по иксу на торговую марку.

Например, в составе исходников 2.11BSD

# ls -l READ_ME
-rw-r--r--  1 39  wheel  3303 Jan 29  1981 READ_ME
                        I N G R E S

                        Version 6.3

This version of INGRES runs under UNIX version seven.  In its
current state it requires separated I/D space and floating point
hardware.  The reason for this is that the version seven runtime
support code is larger than in version six, so we no longer fit
into a single process, even in a six process system.  However,

Вот из поздних документов

Installing and Operating 2.11BSD on the PDP-11

June 13, 1995

Steven Schultz
GTE Government Systems

112 Lakeview Canyon
Thousand Oaks CA 91362

This  document  contains  instructions  for  the  installation  and  operation  of  the
2.11BSD PDP-11ng UNIX system.

It  discusses  procedures  for  installing  2.11BSD  UNIX  on  a  PDP-11,  including
explanations of how to lay out file systems on available disks, how to set up terminal lines
and user accounts, how to do system-specific tailoring, and how to install and configure
the  networking  facilities.  Finally, the  document  details  system  operation  procedures:
shutdown and startup, hardware error reporting and diagnosis, file system backup procedures,  resource  control,  performance  monitoring,  and  procedures  for  recompiling  and
reinstalling system software.

Вот пример ссобщений при загрузке 2.11BSD

:dk (0,0)unix  (bring in unix from the root system)
Boot: bootdev=0nnnn bootcsr=0mmmmmm

The standalone boot program will then load unix from the root file system you just created, and the system
should boot:

2.11BSD BSD UNIX #1: Sat Jul 4 01:33:03 PDT 1992
phys mem = ???
av ail mem = ???
user mem = ???

configure system


Опять BSD UNIX =)

То есть все в период ~1979-1998 (ранее и позднее у меня нет архива)
называли ленты от UCB как BSD UNIX.

В самих лабораториях называли ленты BSD UNIX.

вот пример из 4.4BSD-Alpha:

# ls -l /usr/src/etc/motd
-r--r--r--  1 bin  man  78 Jul 15  1992 motd
4.4BSD Alpha UNIX #1: Sun Jul 19 00:00:00 PDT 1992

Welcome to 4.4BSD Alpha!

4.4 BSD-Lite без кода от Bell Labs:
4.4BSD-Lite UNIX #1: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 PDT 1994                                                                                                    
Welcome to 4.4BSD-Lite!

Примерно во времена 4.4BSD был уже 386BSD, и только там братьями Jolitz был сделан финт ушами ради
что бы не докопалась стая юристов - "UNIX-like"

                  Release Notes on 386BSD
                         W. Jolitz

386BSD Release 0.0:

     This  is 386BSD Release 0.0, the first edition from the
386BSD project.  It comprises an entire and  complete  UNIX-   <--- тут
like  operating system for the Intel 80386/486 based IBM PC,
and is based almost entirely on the NET/2 release  from  the
University  of  California, which contained much of the ear-
lier freely redistributable  and  modifiable  386BSD  source
code  done  by William F. Jolitz and contributed to the Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley for distribution.

     Originally conceived by Bill and Lynne Jolitz in  1989,
the  386BSD project is an attempt to foster new research and
development in operating systems and  networking  technology
by broadening access to base technology. In cooperation with
the University of California, an advanced  operating  system
was  redesigned  by  William  F.  Jolitz  to  work on common
386-based PC's for use by smaller colleges and other  groups
that  did  not have the resources to otherwise obtain it. In
addition, starting with the NET/2 release, this software has
been released in a form that does not require license agree-
ments, non-disclosure, or other controls  that  would  limit
it's use in undergraduate teaching programs.

Но все в лабах и гаражах прекрасно понимали - это тоже BSD UNIX

Но видимо сейчас не все в состоянии найти архивы и почитать исходники.


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