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"Ричард Столлман покинул пост президента Фонда СПО"
Отправлено Andrey Mitrofanov_N0, 17-Сен-19 19:04 
> Очень интересное логическое искажение, намытое российской пропагандой, всплывает: получается,
> что действия человека не важны, главное что вклад в

Действия?  Мммм.....  Методичка свежая!

"Again, Stallman’s views do not reflect his own /actions/; we got more mail to
that effect, some urging a focus on more /direct/ connections to Epstein. Bill
Gates has those connections; Stallman hasn’t.

Remember that it’s not Stallman who met Epstein, even /after/ the sexual crimes
were known; it wasn’t him who flew the “Lolita Express”. That was Bill Gates of
Microsoft < >. He met
him in person even after he had been informed of these crimes. Why?

That was Bill Gates of
Microsoft. He met him in person even after he had been informed of these
crimes.”It wasn’t Stallman whose house got raided for child porn. That too was
Bill Gates of Microsoft. Stallman doesn’t have child porn. Bill Gates' house
does < >. It was reported in
the mainstream media 4 years ago. Various associates of Bill Gates are also
connected to Epstein and Epstein decided to leave one of them lots of
inheritance money. Those are facts that cannot be denied, only distracted from.

It wasn’t a GNU developer who admitted that he had molested/raped kids (and was
arrested for that months ago). That was Microsoft Peter
< >, who is
/still/ in prison (his employer has collapsed since, partly due to severe
credibility issues
< >). Microsoft Peter
spent nearly a decade attacking GNU/Linux /constantly/; he also played an
instrumental role in the openwashing of Microsoft and pushing the “Microsoft
loves Linux” lie. He acted as Microsoft’s PR courier and came to dominate the
Open Source section (all of the articles in that section were about Microsoft
when he was arrested).



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