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"Ричард Столлман покинул пост президента Фонда СПО"
Отправлено freehck, 17-Сен-19 20:13 
>> А вот на офсайте FSF обсуждение вышеобозначенного, гм, поста:
> Им теперь за отставку RMS еще и денюшку заносить?

Блин, как же ты мне надоел, мыханд. Нет, чтобы почитать ссылку-то?

To: John Sullivan

I’ve promoted and supported FSF and the ideals of Free Software for a long time now. I’m member number 2645. I’ve donated $10,000 every year, starting 2006 (check for Cristian Francu on Thank GNU page, keeping in mind that in some years they forgot to list me). Now, the very founder of the movement, the man who stands behind these ideals, is forced to resign on politically correctness grounds, the bullshit that has engulfed our country like the plague. I am not sure, at this moment, that FSF stands for the same ideals with which it started, nor do I think it stands for my own ideals.

I deeply regret to say that I cannot contribute to a movement that condones discrimination against the basic logic that started that very movement. Stallman did nothing wrong. He expressed a logical point of view. You may agree with him or not, but he is not an offender in any way. He is and always was an outlaw who fought against unjust laws that were imposed on the People. Now these unjust, and even unwritten laws have finally caught up with him. We had US presidents that did way worse, and did not resign, nor were they punished. And they were given a chance to be heard, a chance that Stallman doesn’t have.

This is a sad day. Liberty has lost a hero. We are less free today then we were yesterday, and I cannot be a part of that. I will have to start the search for a new movement to which to donate, a movement closest to the world’s needs, that does not condone stupidity at it’s highest form.

Sure, one wonders why Stallman has not reacted, and why he resigned and was not fired. I think that, at 66, he learned something new, the power of politically correctness bullshit. He has to learn how to deal with it. A few more wrong words and he might end up in jail. I’m sure he will explain everything after talking to the lawyers. But we cannot wait a week to express our sadness.



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