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"Выпуск графического редактора GIMP 2.10.24"
Отправлено Аноним, 28-Мрт-21 07:38 
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GIMP 2.10.24 Released

GIMP 2.10.24 is mostly a bug fix release, which once again comes mostly with file format support improvements.

Release highlights:

    Off-canvas point snapping
    GeoTIFF metadata support (georeferencing information embedded within a TIFF file used by map makers)
    Many improvements in the metadata viewer and editor
    Many file format supports improved: HEIF, PSP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, DDS, BMP, PSD
    The RAW image import now handles darktable 3.6 and over
    New Kabyle translation

Off-canvas point snapping

Though there are various fixes in core code, this change is probably the only one worth mentionning. Ever since GIMP 2.10.14, we are now able to see the out-of-canvas area. Consequently, many features can now work outside the canvas, yet not all features yet. This change is the continuation of this work, allowing you to snap various tools to guides, grids or vectors, even outside the canvas.
Metadata support

A lot of work has been going on in the metadata area, mostly consolidating our support and fixing many issues.

The metadata viewer and editor also received a lot of love, making them more robust to various edge cases, such as duplicate tags, but also mapping equivalency between similar IPTC and XMP tags, better encoding handling, and so on.

The GPS data is also handled a bit better with more precision, tooltips and better formatting.

There are still a lot of improvements to be made in the metadata area though we are probably on the right path.
File formats

A fun story which started with a conference by Adam Cox of Louisiana State University about using GIMP for enhancing historic maps, with the issue that GeoTIFF metadata tags were lost and made the workflow a bit more cumbersome.

It prompted a bug report then later a patch by the passing contributor Ruthra Kumar and a review by the core team. All this within 2 months.

And now GIMP is able to import and export back the GeoTIFF tags. Note that no semantic logics is implemented, i.e. that GIMP can only export what it imported. It will not tweak the metadata contents for you. In particular since it contains georeferencing data, some type of image transform could make the data meaningless. This is up to you to know what the data references and how to keep its meaning.

This nice little story shows once again a power of Free Software, which is before all a software made by yourself. Anyone who contributes is part of the GIMP team! 🤗
Improved support for many image formats

Similarly to our previous stable release, our file format plug-ins received a lot of love.

    TIFF got various improvements when handling multi-page files, but also many edge cases, such as 2 or 4-bit TIFF images, opening some types of non-conformant TIFF files and so on.
    HEIF got some visually lossless export support when libheif 1.10 or later is used. We also detect separately HEIC and AVIF support at runtime, allowing to build the plug-in with only support of one encoding.
    PNG now ignores useless layer offset of 0, a metadata which some third-party software are always storing, hence getting rid of unecessary dialog prompts.
    JPEG will better warn the user when some metadata saving failed.
    BMP in more bit depth can now be loaded, in particular 24bpp BMP images; moreover GIMP is now able to rescue some non-conformant BMP with wrong compression noted in header.
    PDF import now proposes an option to reverse order of layers (same as we already had on export) and now support fractional DPI import.
    DDS in BC5 format benefited from some fixes. Moreover as we are able to detect some images with errors previously created by GIMP, the software will also automatically fix these errors upon loading them.
    Raw image formats are still forwarded through featureful raw developers such as darktable or RawTherapee. The former is undergoing some API changes, and while darktable 3.6 is not even out yet, GIMP already has support for this upcoming version. Therefore GIMP 2.10.24 will work with future darktable.

New translation

GIMP is now available in one more language: Kabyle. This is still an early translation as only 18% of the stable branch is translated so far (and 32% of the development branch!) yet we can already thank these new translators to bring GIMP to even more people.

This makes GIMP available to 82 languages other than default English!

The translators are also contributors doing an incredible work. Thanks to all of them!


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