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"...а вот к тому, что minix irrelevant"
Отправлено gvy, 01-Фев-07 18:52 
О, а вот и иллюстрация к уже сказанному где-то насчёт того, что MINIX есть и без изменений в подходе к разработке останется никому не нужной игрушкой (и в embedded тоже):

I was convinced by ast's comments for a while until I wanted to contribute there. I'd hacked on the Hurd for a while and was thinking that it would be nice to work on a project that actually had momentum.

There are a series of things that kept me from going further:

* A strong resistance of things GPL. To the point where they're not really interested in hearing about bugs compiling things like coreutils.

* A strong rejection of testsuites. They said that they would accept tests, but that if a test ever broke, the test would simply be removed. One of the things that I think is mostly interesting about the Minix architecture is that so much of the system could be build-time tested while being built as a regular user.

* Private development model. Discussions happen around their lab rather than on lists and newsgroups. I started working on an ELF interpretor only to be told that a core dev was reworking this file, and that I should come back in a few months.

I still argue that the Microkernel debate was never lost - simply that to this day, no real contender has ever shown up.

И именно открытость разработки при адекватном управлении процессом и есть, наверное, главное достижение Linux как free software project.  Кто этого ещё не понял -- ССЗБ ;-)


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