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"Get Involved Upstream"
Отправлено Michael Shigorin, 08-Фев-14 02:09 
> I'm the leader of the development team of Moonlight Desktop Environment.

Why did you choose to reuse Razor-Qt/LXQT code instead of working with those projects to help them merge and probably go to Qt5?

Working in team is much more difficult and looks less rewarding during the first half a year or so (you have to discuss, you have to agree at times, you don't get all the fame, etc etc) -- but it's much much more rewarding when you finally get to the stage when the project is useful, gains some traction and users start to bomb you with weird bug reports, troublesome feature requests, translations and all the rest.

I've studied fork/merge processes for quite a few projects several years ago and it's basically the same: young and ambitious projects tend to live for 6--12 months if people don't learn to work together, and if there was a pre-existing project to cooperate with right from the start then it would be better to just work with it in the first place/long run.

I might be biased since one of my friends is part of LXDE/pcmanfm team :)

Good luck, anyways!


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