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"Аутентификация IEEE 802.1x"
Отправлено vgray, 08-Авг-06 08:29 
>Никак не разберусь, в каких случаях порт на коммутаторе попадает в access
>VLAN, который назначен на нём, а в каких в VLAN, который
>прописан на RADIUS-сервере?

в гайде есть подробный алготитм

Using 802.1x with VLAN Assignment

The switch supports 802.1x with VLAN assignment. After successful 802.1x authentication of a port,
the RADIUS server sends the VLAN assignment to configure the switch port. The RADIUS server
database maintains the username-to-VLAN mappings, which assigns the VLAN based on the username
of the client connected to the switch port. You can use this feature to limit network access for certain
When configured on the switch and the RADIUS server, 802.1x with VLAN assignment has these
• If no VLAN is supplied by the RADIUS server or if 802.1x authorization is disabled, the port is
configured in its access VLAN after successful authentication.
• If 802.1x authorization is enabled but the VLAN information from the RADIUS server is not valid,
the port returns to the unauthorized state and remains in the configured access VLAN. This prevents
ports from appearing unexpectedly in an inappropriate VLAN because of a configuration error.
Configuration errors could include specifying a VLAN for a routed port, a malformed VLAN ID, a
nonexistent or internal (routed port) VLAN ID, or an attempted assignment to a voice VLAN ID.
• If 802.1x authorization is enabled and all information from the RADIUS server is valid, the port is
placed in the specified VLAN after authentication.
• If the multiple-hosts mode is enabled on an 802.1x port, all hosts are placed in the same VLAN
(specified by the RADIUS server) as the first authenticated host.
• If 802.1x and port security are enabled on a port, the port is placed in RADIUS server assigned
• If 802.1x is disabled on the port, it is returned to the configured access VLAN.
When the port is in the force authorized, force unauthorized, unauthorized, or shutdown state, it is put
into the configured access VLAN.
If an 802.1x port is authenticated and put in the RADIUS server assigned VLAN, any change to the port
access VLAN configuration does not take effect.


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