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"Аутентификация IEEE 802.1x"
Отправлено Andrew_K, 08-Авг-06 09:37 
>>Никак не разберусь, в каких случаях порт на коммутаторе попадает в access
>>VLAN, который назначен на нём, а в каких в VLAN, который
>>прописан на RADIUS-сервере?
>в гайде есть подробный алготитм
>Using 802.1x with VLAN Assignment
>The switch supports 802.1x with VLAN assignment. After successful 802.1x authentication of
>a port,
>the RADIUS server sends the VLAN assignment to configure the switch port.
>The RADIUS server
>database maintains the username-to-VLAN mappings, which assigns the VLAN based on the
>of the client connected to the switch port. You can use this
>feature to limit network access for certain
>When configured on the switch and the RADIUS server, 802.1x with VLAN
>assignment has these
>• If no VLAN is supplied by the RADIUS server or if
>802.1x authorization is disabled, the port is
>configured in its access VLAN after successful authentication.
>• If 802.1x authorization is enabled but the VLAN information from the
>RADIUS server is not valid,
>the port returns to the unauthorized state and remains in the configured
>access VLAN. This prevents
>ports from appearing unexpectedly in an inappropriate VLAN because of a configuration
>Configuration errors could include specifying a VLAN for a routed port, a
>malformed VLAN ID, a
>nonexistent or internal (routed port) VLAN ID, or an attempted assignment to
>a voice VLAN ID.
>• If 802.1x authorization is enabled and all information from the RADIUS
>server is valid, the port is
>placed in the specified VLAN after authentication.
>• If the multiple-hosts mode is enabled on an 802.1x port, all
>hosts are placed in the same VLAN
>(specified by the RADIUS server) as the first authenticated host.
>• If 802.1x and port security are enabled on a port, the
>port is placed in RADIUS server assigned
>• If 802.1x is disabled on the port, it is returned to
>the configured access VLAN.
>When the port is in the force authorized, force unauthorized, unauthorized, or
>shutdown state, it is put
>into the configured access VLAN.
>If an 802.1x port is authenticated and put in the RADIUS server
>assigned VLAN, any change to the port
>access VLAN configuration does not take effect.

Это не подробный алгоритм, а какие-то плохо структурированные куски. Вот с этим-то как раз и не разберусь.


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