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"AS5350XM не передается сигнал Disconnect в ISDN"
Отправлено Andrew_82, 28-Мрт-08 16:04 
Добрый день!
Помогите, пожалуйста, решить важную проблему.
Есть циска AS5350XM, потоком Е1 она подключена к ТФОП, а по IP к Тарио. Звонок проходит по следующей схеме:

[абонент1] ----Е1----[ЦИСКА AS5350]----IP----[шлюз2]----[абонент2]

Во время разговора, если абонент1 положит трубку, то абонент2 услышит короткие гудки и соединение оборвется. Если же трубку положит абонент2, то циска не разорвет соединие, абонент1 будет слушать тишину.
Вопрос заключается в следующем, как настроить циску, чтобы она корректно передавала сигнал Disconnect в ISDN (сигнал через сеть IP до циски доходит)?

Выдержка из конфига:

Building configuration...

boot system flash c5350-is-mz.124-16b.bin

isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn logging
voice call send-alert
voice call disc-pi-off
voice call convert-discpi-to-prog always
voice rtp send-recv
voice service pots
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
voice service voip
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
voice class codec 7680
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 2 g729br8
codec preference 3 g723r63
codec preference 4 g711alaw
voice class codec 7681
codec preference 1 g711alaw
codec preference 2 g729r8
codec preference 3 g723r63
voice class aaa 7690
authentication method tario
authorization method tario
accounting method tario
accounting template tario
controller E1 3/0
pri-group timeslots 1-31
gw-accounting aaa
acct-template tario
translation-rule 2
Rule 0 ^718002 1264677
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address х.х.х.х х.х.х.х
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
duplex full
speed 100
negotiation auto
no cdp enable
interface Serial3/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice data 64
isdn send-alerting
no cdp enable
voice-port 3/0:D
cptone RU
timeouts interdigit 4
bearer-cap 3100Hz
dial-peer voice 1001 pots
permission orig
service tario_accept
voice-class aaa 7690
incoming called-number 718002
dial-peer voice 1003 voip
destination-pattern 0723#T
voice-class aaa 7690
voice-class codec 7680
session target ipv4:
no vad
dial-peer voice 1004 voip
destination-pattern 3261#T
voice-class aaa 7690
voice-class codec 7680
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-alphanumeric
no vad
ss7 mtp2-variant Bellcore 0
ss7 mtp2-variant Bellcore 1
ss7 mtp2-variant Bellcore 2
ss7 mtp2-variant Bellcore 3

Ниже привожу дебаг окончания вызова (абонент2 ложит трубку):

Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnected:
   Cause Value=16, Interface=0x6513DB8C, Call Id=133
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnected:
   Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16, Retry Count=0)
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccConferenceDestroy:
   Conference Id=0x19, Tag=0x0
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //130/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_drop_done:
   Conference Id=0x19, Source Interface=0x656E0264, Source Call Id=130,
   Destination Call Id=133, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_drop_done:
   Conference Id=0x19, Source Interface=0x6513DB8C, Source Call Id=133,
   Destination Call Id=130, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_generic_bridge_done:
   Conference Id=0x19, Source Interface=0x6513DB8C, Source Call Id=133,
   Destination Call Id=130, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=16)
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Disposition=0, Interface=0x6513DB8C, Tag=0x0, Call Id=133,
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //133/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Call Disconnect Event Sent
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Coder=5, DTMF Relay=4, Vad=0,
   Record Function=0x0, Event Queue=0x6375B15C, Stream Context=635D80CC,
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:41:04.915: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=2, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:41:05.075: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_associated:
   Interface=0x656E0264, CallId=130, Disposition=0
   Play Function=0x61518ABC, Codec=0x5, Vad=0x0
   Media Type=0x6, SPI Context=0x634D77D0, Stream CallId=131
   TX Dynamic Pt=0x0, RX Dynamic Pt=0x0
Mar 28 10:41:23.187: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:41:23.187: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=1, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:41:33.187: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_handle_inter_digit_timer:
   Generate inter-digit timeout CC_EV_CALL_DIGIT_END event
Mar 28 10:41:33.187: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Coder=5, DTMF Relay=4, Vad=0,
   Record Function=0x0, Event Queue=0x6375B15C, Stream Context=635D80CC,
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:41:33.187: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=2, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:41:33.187: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_associated:
   Interface=0x656E0264, CallId=130, Disposition=0
   Play Function=0x61518ABC, Codec=0x5, Vad=0x0
   Media Type=0x6, SPI Context=0x634D77D0, Stream CallId=131
   TX Dynamic Pt=0x0, RX Dynamic Pt=0x0
Mar 28 10:41:51.907: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:41:51.907: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=1, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:42:01.907: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_handle_inter_digit_timer:
   Generate inter-digit timeout CC_EV_CALL_DIGIT_END event
Mar 28 10:42:01.907: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Coder=5, DTMF Relay=4, Vad=0,
   Record Function=0x0, Event Queue=0x6375B15C, Stream Context=635D80CC,
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:42:01.907: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=2, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:42:01.907: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_associated:
   Interface=0x656E0264, CallId=130, Disposition=0
   Play Function=0x61518ABC, Codec=0x5, Vad=0x0
   Media Type=0x6, SPI Context=0x634D77D0, Stream CallId=131
   TX Dynamic Pt=0x0, RX Dynamic Pt=0x0
Mar 28 10:42:20.623: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:42:20.623: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=1, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:42:30.623: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_handle_inter_digit_timer:
   Generate inter-digit timeout CC_EV_CALL_DIGIT_END event
Mar 28 10:42:30.623: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Coder=5, DTMF Relay=4, Vad=0,
   Record Function=0x0, Event Queue=0x6375B15C, Stream Context=635D80CC,
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:42:30.623: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccAssociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=2, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:42:30.623: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_associated:
   Interface=0x656E0264, CallId=130, Disposition=0
   Play Function=0x61518ABC, Codec=0x5, Vad=0x0
   Media Type=0x6, SPI Context=0x634D77D0, Stream CallId=131
   TX Dynamic Pt=0x0, RX Dynamic Pt=0x0
Mar 28 10:42:32.479: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Record Context=0x0, Stream Call Id=131, Call Id=130
Mar 28 10:42:32.479: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccDisassociateStream:
   Call Entry(Stream Status=1, Digit Enable=TRUE)
Mar 28 10:42:32.479: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
Mar 28 10:42:32.479: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect:
   Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
Mar 28 10:42:32.479: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info:
   Transfer Number Is Null
Mar 28 10:42:32.515: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Disposition=0, Interface=0x656E0264, Tag=0x0, Call Id=130,
   Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
Mar 28 10:42:32.515: //130/33C52CA38027/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
   Call Disconnect Event Sent
Mar 28 10:43:22.407: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccAppShutdownMode:
   ccAppShutdownMode: remove it from the queue


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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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